27M-1.005. Special Conditions of Travel (Transferred)  

Effective on Thursday, February 21, 2002
  • 1(1) Travel by Officer and Public Officer, and Employee or Public Employee other than the Office. The agency head or his/her appropriate designee may authorize travel by public officers or employees, as defined in Section 36112.061(2)(c) 37and (d), F.S., serving temporarily on behalf of the Office when such travel expenses will be paid by the Office in excess of rates set forth in Section 65112.061, F.S. 67This will not preclude such public officers or employees from providing reimbursement to the Office to the extent allowable under rates set forth in Section 92112.061, F.S.

    94(2) Travel of Authorized Persons. The agency head or his/her designee may approve travel by authorized persons who are called upon to contribute time and services as consultants or advisers when such travel is on behalf of the Office. In such instances, complete explanation and justification must be shown on or attached to Form RG-OFC3. Travel expenses for authorized persons shall adhere to the same rates and guidelines as those for state officers and employees except that the letters NSE (non-state employee) will be used along with an identifying file number on Form RG-OFC3. In instances when such information is specifically exempted from disclosure by law, each invoice and/or voucher shall contain the letters NSE (non-state employee) on Form RG-OFC3 along with a statement of confidentiality and be properly referenced to the file (by number or otherwise) where the authorized persons information is available, as required by Section 242288.075, F.S.

    244(3) Travel of Business Clients or Guests. Travel expenses incurred by the Office on behalf of a business client or authorized guest shall be paid directly to third party vendors when possible. When this is not possible, reimbursement will be to the person incurring the expense (either business client, guest, or accompanying the Office employee, if applicable) provided substantiating receipts are submitted with the appropriate reimbursement vouchers. However, when state officers, employees, or authorized persons are only accompanying a spouse of such officer, employee, or authorized person, then the rates prescribed in subsection 33727M-1.006(2), 338F.A.C., shall apply to such officer, employee, authorized person, spouse, or any combination thereof. The identity of business clients or guests shall be disclosed on all vouchers authorizing disbursement of public funds pursuant to these rules, except when such information is specifically exempted from disclosure by law. If this exemption applies, each invoice and/or voucher shall contain a statement of confidentiality and be properly referenced to the file (by number or otherwise) where the client and/or guest information is available.

    418(4) Travel for Employment Interviews. Upon prior written approval of the agency head or his/her designee, candidates for executive or professional positions with the Office will be allowed travel and transportation expenses.

    450Specific Authority 452288.1253(2) FS. 454Law Implemented 456288.1253 FS. 458History–New 2-21-02.


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