28-24.023. Residential Developments  

Effective on Tuesday, December 31, 1985
  • 1(1) Subject to Section 5380.06(2)(d), F.S., 7the following developments shall be developments of regional impact:

    16Any proposed residential development that is planned to create or accommodate more than the following number of dwelling units:

    35(a) In counties with a population of less than 25,000 – 250 dwelling units.

    50(b) In counties with a population between 25,000 and 50,000 – 500 dwelling units.

    66(c) In counties with a population between 50,001 and 100,000 – 750 dwelling units.

    82(d) In counties with a population between 100,001 and 250,000 – 1,000 dwelling units.

    99(e) In counties with a population between 250,001 and 500,000 – 2,000 dwelling units.

    116(f) In counties with a population in excess of 500,000 – 3,000 dwelling units.

    132However, any residential development twenty-five percent of which is located within two (2) miles or less of a county line shall be treated as if it were located in the less populous county.

    165(2) As used in this rule the term “residential development” shall include but not be limited to:

    182(a) The subdivision of any land attributable to common ownership into lots, parcels, units or interests, or

    199(b) Land or dwelling units which are part of a common plan of rental, advertising, or sale, or

    217(c) The construction of residential structures, or

    224(d) The establishment of mobile home parks.

    231(3) As used in this rule the term “dwelling unit” shall mean a single room or unified combination of rooms, regardless of form of ownership, that is designed for residential use by a single family. This definition shall include, but not be limited to, condominium units, individual apartments and individual houses.

    282(4) For the purpose of this rule the population of the county shall be the most recent estimate for that county, at the time of the application for a development permit. The most recent estimate shall be that determined by the Executive Office of the Governor pursuant to Section 23.019, F.S.

    333Rulemaking Authority 335380.06(2) FS. 337Law Implemented 339380.06, 340380.0651 FS. 342History–New 12-31-85, Formerly 27F-2.023.