34-16.003. Procedure for Group Representative to Address the Commission  

Effective on Tuesday, October 29, 2013
  • 1The Chair will, where appropriate, encourage members of an organization to defer their time to a representative of their organization to speak on their behalf. At any Commission meeting during which a large number of individuals wish to speak, the Chair may require any group, faction, or organization to select a representative to speak on behalf of that group, faction, or organization. The Chair will ask speakers to refrain from repeating comments made by individual members of the public who have previously spoken.

    84Rulemaking Authority 86112.322(9), 87286.0114 FS. 89Law Implemented Art. II, Section 8, Fla. Const., 97286.0114 FS. 99History100101New 10-29-13.


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