40C-3.051. Exemptions  

Effective on Wednesday, July 27, 2016
  • 1The following wells are exempt from the requirements of Rule 1140C-3.041, 12F.A.C.

    13(1) Existing wells exempted by Section 19373.316, F.S.

    21(2) The wells exempted under Section 27373.303(7), F.S. 29This exemption does not relieve the applicant from obtaining any permits which may be required under Chapters 40C-2 (Consumptive Use), 40C-4 (Surface Water Management), 40C-40 (General Surface Water Management Permits), 5940C-44 (Agricultural Surface Water Management Systems), or 62-330, F.A.C. (Environmental Resource Permitting).

    71(3) The construction, repair, or abandonment of a water well which is a nominal two inches or less inside diameter by an individual who is not a licensed contractor for his own private use on his own or leased property, provided the provisions of Section 116373.326(2), F.S., 118are satisfied. The well must be constructed, repaired or abandoned in accordance with the standards of this chapter and the well completion report is submitted in accordance with Rule 14740C-3.411, 148F.A.C. This exemption does not apply to public water supply wells.

    159(4) A well constructed solely as a test hole or exploratory well as defined in subsection 17540C-3.021(16), 176F.A.C.

    177(5) The construction, repair or abandonment of a water well with a nominal casing size of less than six inches by a licensed contractor, provided that a well completion report is submitted in accordance with subsection 21340C-3.411(1), 214F.A.C., and that the well is constructed, repaired or abandoned in accordance with the standards of this chapter. This exemption from permitting requirements in Rule 23940C-3.041, 240F.A.C., does not apply to:

    245(a) Public water supply wells,

    250(b) Any non-potable well construction in an area delineated pursuant to Chapter 62-524, F.A.C.,

    264(c) Any potable well requiring a permit pursuant to Chapter 62-524, F.A.C.,

    276(d) Any water wells within jurisdictions to which the District has delegated authority pursuant to Rule 29240C-3.035, 293F.A.C., for water well construction for wells less than nominal well casing size of six inches.

    309(6) Wells intended for use as injection wells which have received a permit under Chapter 40C-5, F.A.C.

    326(7) The construction, repair, and abandonment of a well with a nominal casing size of two inches or less in diameter, provided the well is less than 20 feet in depth and is used for no more than ten days for the purpose of obtaining shallow soil or water information. The well must be constructed, repaired or abandoned in accordance with the standards of this chapter and the well completion report is submitted in accordance with Rule 40340C-3.411, 404F.A.C. Due to the temporary nature and shallow depths of these types of monitoring wells, harm to the natural resources is not expected and the District finds an undue hardship would exist by requiring water well contractors to obtain permits for the construction, repair, and abandonment of such temporary wells.

    454Rulemaking Authority 456373.044, 457373.113, 458373.171, 459373.309 FS. 461Law Implemented 463373.303, 464373.308, 465373.313, 466373.316, 467373.326 FS. 469History–New 10-14-84, Amended 12-5-85, Formerly 47440C-3.051, 47540C-3.0051, Amended 9-17-89, 3-10-97, 7-27-16.


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