40C-44.101. Content of the Application  

Effective on Friday, June 1, 2018
  • 1(1) All applications for environmental resource permits for agricultural systems shall be processed in accordance with the procedures of Chapters 120 and 373, F.S., and subsection 15.4.1 of the “Environmental Resource Permit Applicant’s Handbook, Volume II: For Use Within the Geographic Limits of the St. Johns River Water Management District” as incorporated by reference in subsection 5740C-44.091(1), 58F.A.C.

    59(2) Applicants for an individual environmental resource permit for an agricultural system under this chapter 74shall complete District form 7840C-44.101(2), 79(Supplemental Information for Agricultural Systems) incorporated herein by reference, as of (10-1-13), available at [94http://www.flrules.org/Gateway/reference.asp?No=Ref-0265896], 97and upon request from the St. Johns River Water Management District, 4049 Reid Street, Palatka, Florida 32177-2529, 114and Section A of form 11962-330.060(1), 120Joint Application for Individual and Conceptual Environmental Resource Permit/Authorization to Use State-Owned Submerged Lands/Federal Dredge and Fill Permit” (6-1-18), available 140upon request from the St. Johns River Water Management District, 4049 Reid Street, Palatka, Florida 32177-2529, 156and implemented pursuant to paragraph 161373.4131(2)(a), F.S. 163(2012).

    164Rulemaking Authority 166369.318, 167373.044, 168373.113, 169373.171, 170373.416, 171373.418 FS. 173Law Implemented 175369.318, 176373.4131, 177373.416, 178373.461 FS. 180History–New 8-11-91, Amended 10-20-92, 10-3-95, 12-3-06, 10-1-13, 6-1-18.


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