40E-61.280. Implementation Procedures  

Effective on Sunday, April 11, 2021
  • 1(21) As provided in an approved WQMP, a nonpoint source discharger must ensure that water samples are taken at the approved frequency at all locations set forth in the approved WQMP.

    33(2) 34The collected water samples must be analyzed in accordance with the approved WQMP within 90 days of District approval of the WQMP.

    56(3) Sample collections and analytical test methods on the collected samples shall be conducted in accordance with Chapter 62-160, F.A.C.

    76(4) Monitoring records must be retained onsite for at least 5 years and copies of the records must be provided to the District upon request.

    101(5) The nonpoint source discharger with an approved WQMP shall allow District staff and designated agents reasonable access to their property to verify compliance with the WQMP, monitor water quality, and collect data, as applicable. The District will provide advance notice at least 48 hours prior to a site visit.

    151(6) The District will provide at least a one-week notice to the nonpoint source discharger of its intent to conduct a Quality Assurance (QA) field audit of sample collection procedures. The District will also provide the results of the QA field audit to the nonpoint source discharger.

    198(7) The nonpoint source discharger’s data will be used to assess attainment annually with 212the water quality criteria for the parameters addressed by the BMAP223. The nonpoint source discharger shall submit a water quality monitoring summary report by August 1 each year that includes all raw data in a District-approved format.  If it is demonstrated that a nonpoint source discharger is not attaining the water quality criteria for the parameters addressed by the BMAP, then the District will notify nonpoint source dischargers of the requirement for remedial actions in accordance with Rule 40E-61.290, F.A.C.

    293(8) The District shall share the monitoring results provided by the nonpoint source dischargers with the Coordinating Agencies.

    311(9) The nonpoint source discharger must provide written notice within 30 days to the District if the property operating under an approved WQMP is sold or changes are made to the hydrology of the property.

    346Rulemaking Authority 348373.044, 349373.113, 350373.4595 FS. 352Law Implemented 354373.4595, 355403.067 FS. 357History–New 4-11-21.