40E-7.668. Policy  

Effective on Wednesday, December 9, 2020
  • 1(1) The rules under this Small Business Enterprise Contracting Program (the “Program”) establish policies and procedures designed to help small businesses, including those owned by women and minorities, to participate in the South Florida Water Management District’s (“District”) procurement and contract activities.

    43(2) It is the purpose of the Program to spur economic development and support small businesses, including woman-owned and minority-owned businesses, to successfully expand in the marketplace.

    70(3) The District shall annually evaluate the progress of this Program and determine whether the specific provisions require any modification, expansion, and curtailment.

    93Rulemaking Authority 95373.044, 96373.113 FS. 98Law Implemented 100373.1135 FS. 102History–New 8-3-06, Amended 12-9-20.