53ER10-33. Jacksonville Jaguars Second Chance Drawing (Replaced by 53ER11-62)  

Effective on Friday, July 30, 2010
  • 1(1) 2Beginning Tuesday, 4August 53, 62010, players can enter their non-winning 12Florida Lottery 14JACKSONVILLE JAGUARS 16Scratch-Off 17tickets in a 20Jacksonville Jaguars 22Second Chance Drawing on the Florida Lottery Web site 31t32o win 34prize35s 36as described below39.

    40(2) 41Six (6) 43computerized 44Second Chance Drawing47s will be held 51from 52August 5318 54to 55December 1, 572010 from entries received by midnight the night before each drawing. Entries will be good for one drawing only. 76The draw dates are:


    81Draw Date

    83From Entries Received


    87Wednesday, 88August 8918, 902010

    91August 3 9394August 17, 962010


    98Wednesday, 99September 8, 1012010

    102August 18 – September 7, 1072010


    109Wednesday, September 11129, 1122010

    113September 8 – September 21188, 1192010


    121Wednesday, 122October 20, 1242010

    125September 29 – October 12919, 1302010


    132Wednesday, 133November 10, 1352010

    136October 20 – November 1409, 1412010


    143Wednesday, 144December 1, 1462010

    147November 10 – November 30, 1522010

    153(3) 154The 155Jacksonville Jaguars 157Second Chance Drawing 160prizes 161are as follows164:

    165(a) 166FIRST DRAWING168.

    1691. 170First 171Prize172. 173Two (2) prizes consisting of a Coaches “Chalk 181Talk” for ten (10) people, 186including 187a team coach talking about the team and answering questions for guests in one of the team meeting rooms. The Jaguars coaching staff member and the duration of 215the 216Chalk Talk event will be determined by the Jaguars at their sole discretion. The value of each prize is $236500237.

    2382. 239Second 240Prize. 241Thirty 242(30) prizes consisting of two (2) 248upper-deck 249tickets to one (1) Jaguars home game. The selected g259ame will be mutually determined, 264subject to availability. The value of each pair of tickets is $136276.

    2773278. Third Prize. 281Twenty (20) 283prizes of 285a 286Jaguars 287hat and 289t290-shirt fan pack. 293The value of each fan pack is 300$68301.

    302(b) 303SECOND DRAWING305.

    3061307. 308First Prize. 310One (1) prize consisting of t316he Ultimate Jaguars Experience, 320includ321ing 322Terrace Suite tickets for four (4) 328persons 329to one 331(1) 332home game, four (4) field passes, four (4) autographed footballs, 342an 343opportunity to be on-field for the pre-game coin toss, Jaguars merchandise for four (4), mentions on the scoreboard video, and 363a 364trip to an 367away game for two (2) persons. 373Away game trip is inclusive of airfare for two (2) adults, one (1) hotel room for two (2) nights, and transportation to the game on 398a 399chartered team bus. Winner and guest will be responsible for travel from the game back to the hotel on game day and to the airport on 425the 426following day. The value of the prize is $3,500.

    4362437. Second Prize. 440Two (2) prizes 443consisting of lunch for four (4) people 450with a Jaguars player 454in the 456Jaguars Stadium Team Dining area. The Jaguars will determine the date of each lunch e471vent at their sole discretion. 476The value of each prize is $500.

    4833484. Third Prize. 487Twenty (20) 489prizes of a 492Jaguars 493hat and t496-shirt fan pack. 499The value of each fan pack is 506$68507.

    508(c) 509THIRD DRAWING511.

    5121513. 514First Prize. 516One (1) prize consisting of 521a 522Game 523D524ay Suite to one (1) Jaguars home game for sixteen (16) people includ537ing 538food and 540non-alcoholic beverage542s 543and 544sixteen (16) tickets for 548the 549game. 550The selected game w554ill be mutually determined, 558subject to availability. The value of the prize is $2,000.

    5692. Second Prize. 572Thirty 573(30) prizes consisting of two (2) 579upper-deck 580tickets to one (1) Jaguars home game. The selected game will be mutually determined, 594subject to availability. 597The value of each pair of tickets is $136.

    6063607. Third Prize. 610Twenty (20) 612prizes of a 615Jaguars 616hat and t-shirt fan pack. The value of each fan pack is 628$68629.

    630(d) 631FOURTH DRAWING633.

    6341635. First Prize. 638Two (2) prizes consisting of a VIP Training Camp Experience 648for twenty (20) people 652includ653ing 654food and 656non-alcoholic 657beverages 658and 659reserved seating during team practice. The date of each VIP Training Camp Experience event will be determined by the Jaguars at their sole discretion. The value of each prize is $500690.

    6912692. Second Prize. 695Two (2) prizes 698consisting of a tour of the team locker room for four (4) people, 711including a 713view 714of 715the locker room, training/rehab facilities, weight room and equipment room with 726a 727member of 729the 730team staff. 732The Jaguars will determine the date of each locker room tour e744vent at their sole discretion. 749The value of each prize is $500.

    7563. Third Prize759. Six (6) 762prizes consisting of one (1) 767authentic NFL Jaguars jerseys autographed by the players. Certificates of authenticity shall be provided by the Jaguars for each jersey. The value of each jersey is $585.

    7944795. 796Fourth 797Prize. 798Twenty (20) 800prizes of a 803Jaguars 804hat and t-shirt fan pack. The value of each fan pack is 816$68817.

    818(e) 819FIFTH DRAWING821.

    8221823. First Prize. 826Six (6) 828prizes consisting of two (2) 833lower834-835level end837-838zone season tickets for each 8432011 844Jaguars pre-season and regular season home game. The value of each pair of season tickets is $1,000.

    8622863. Second Prize. 866Six (6) 868prizes consisting of 871one (1) 873replica 874Jaguars 875jersey 876autographed 877by members of the football squad. The value of each jersey is $460.

    8903891. Third Prize. 894Twenty (20) 896prizes of a 899Jaguars 900hat and t-shirt fan pack. The value of each fan pack is 912$68913.

    914(f) 915SIXTH DRAWING917.

    9181. 919First 920Prize. 921Six (6) 923prizes consisting of two (2) 928Touchdown Club 930season tickets 932for each 9342011 935Jaguars pre937-938season and regular season home game 944on the East Side of the Stadium 951and one (1954) Touchdown Club parking pass. The value of each pair of season tickets and parking pass is $1,500.

    9732. 974Second 975Prize. 976Six (6) prizes consisting of one (1) replica Jaguars jersey autographed by members of the football squad. The value of each jersey is $460.

    100031001. Third Prize. 1004Twenty (20) 1006prizes of a 1009Jaguars 1010hat and t-shirt fan pack. The value of each fan pack is 1022$681023.

    1024(10254) 1026To enter a non-winning ticket in 1032the 1033Jacksonville Jaguars 1035Second Chance Drawing, visit the Florida Lottery’s Web site at 1045www.flalottery.com, 1046click on 1048the 1049Jacksonville Jaguars 1051Second Chance Drawing icon and follow the directions.

    1059The ticket number is located below the play instructions on the front of a 1073JACKSONVILLE 1074JAGUARS 1075Scratch-Off 1076ticket. Scratch off the latex covering to reveal the 24-digit ticket number. Winning 1089JACKSONVILLE JAGUARS 1091tickets cannot be used for entry in the 1099Second Chance Drawing1102s. The odds of winning are dependent upon the number of entries received.

    1115(5) 1116Players may enter as many times as they wish during the contest period. However, each valid ticket number may only be used one time, 1140for one 1142entry in the 1145Jacksonville Jaguars 1147Second Chance Drawing1150s1151. 1152Tickets should not be mailed to the Lottery unless players are conta1164cted by the Florida Lottery and 1170requested to do so. 1174Non-winning tickets received in the mail by the Florida Lottery will not be entered in the drawing and will not be returned.

    1196(6) The number of entries drawn in each second chance drawing will vary by drawing. The requisite number of entries will be drawn to award prizes in the following order, as applicable to the drawing: First Prize, Second Prize, Third Prize a1238nd 1239Fourth Prize. An additional twenty (20) 1245entries will be drawn in each drawing to serve as alternates, in the order drawn, for unclaimed prizes, 1263or mailed prizes returned by the U.S. 1270Postal Service as unclaimed or undeliverable.

    1276(71277) 1278The prizewinners in each Second Chance Drawing will be posted on 1289www.flalottery.com 1290on the day of the draw. 1296The F1298lo1299r1300ida Lottery will attempt to notify each 1307of the First Prize 1311winner1312s 1313in the second, 1316third, fifth and sixth drawings by 1322U.S. mail or e-mail using the contact information provided in th1333e 1334winner’s registration data 1337no later than one (1) wee1343k after the winners are drawn. 1349If the Florida Lottery is unable to contact a winner within three (3) weeks of the date of the drawing, the winner will forfeit his or her right to claim the prize and the Florida Lottery will award the prize to an alternate winner as described above. 1396If the Florida Lottery is unable to contact the alternate winner within three (3) weeks of the date of award of the prize, the alternate winner will forfeit his or her right to claim the prize and the Florida Lottery will award the prize to a second alternate winner. 1445As long as a prize remains available, t1453his process will continue until an alternate is contacted or the Florida Lottery has exhausted th1469e list of available alternates1474. 1475If the Lottery is u1480nable to contact an alternate, 1485the prize will not be awarded1491.

    1492(81493) 1494All entries are subject to validation by the Florida Lottery and may be disqualified if eligibility 1510requirements are not met. To claim a 1517First Prize 1519in 1520the second, third, fifth and sixth drawings of the 1529Jacksonville Jaguars 1531Second Chance Drawing, the player must submit to the Florida Lottery the original valid non-winning 1546JAGUARS 1547Scratch-Off 1548t1549icket bearing the entry number selected in the drawing. Without such ticket, the player will forfeit his or her right to claim a prize. 1573W1574inners 1575must also 1577submit a completed Winner Claim Form DOL 173-2, or Spanish Winner Claim Form DOL 173-2S, as referenced in 1595R1596ule 53ER10-1, 1598F.A.C., 1599appropriate identification, 1601and 1602a notarized Florida Lottery Release and Authorization Form DOL-474, revised 10/08. 1613All forms must be submitted within seven (7) days of notification by the Florida 1627Lottery that they are a winner. 1633If the winner does not return the required forms within seven (7) days of notification, 1648the winner will forfeit his or her right to claim the prize and the Florida Lottery will award the prize to an alternate winner as described above. 1675Form DOL-474 is hereby incorporated by reference 1682and may be obtained at any Lottery office, from the Florida Lottery’s 1694W1695eb 1696site at 1698www.fl1699a1700lottery.com, 1701or by writing 1704to: 1705Florida Lottery, Public Affairs, 250 Marriott Drive, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-4016.

    1715(9) 1716The 1717First Prizes in the first and fourth drawings and all other prizes 1729will be shipped to the winner’s address within approximately fifteen (15) days after the drawing. 1744Prizes returned by the U.S. Postal Service as unclaimed or undeliverable will be awarded to alternate winners as described in 1764subs1765ection (6).

    1767(10) 1768For 1769all 1770prizes 1771except for the hat and t-shirt fan packs, 1779the Lottery will 1782provide the winner with a certificate from the 1790Jaguars 1791describing the winner’s prize1795. 1796The certificate will contain the name and contact information for the person the prizewinner is to contact to make reservations to fulfill the prize 1820packages won1822. 1823The 1824Jaguars 1825shall coordinate with each winner a mutually agreeable date on which the winner may use the prize package. For 2010 game tickets, if an acceptable date during the 2010 season cannot be arranged, a date during the 2011 season shall be selected.

    1867(1186811869) 1870The right to claim a prize is not 1878assignable 1879to another person or entity1884.

    1885(1188621887) 1888Except as specifically mentioned herein, all federal, state and/or local taxes or other fees on the prizes won in 1907the 1908Jacksonville Jaguars 1910S1911econd 1912C1913hance 1914D1915rawing will be the responsibility of the winner.

    1923Federal income taxes are required to be withheld from a prize awarded to a nonresident alien claimant at the rate of thirty percent (30%) pursuant to applicable provisions of the Internal Revenue Code. 1956A 1957nonresident alien claimant who is selected as a winner of a prize will be required to pay the withholding tax or forfeit the prize. The reporting and subsequent payment of any additional federal, state and/or local taxes shall be the responsibility of the nonresident alien winner.

    2003(1200432005) No cash option 2009or substitute 2011is available in lieu of 2016Jacksonville Jaguars 2018Second Chance Drawing prizes.

    2022(1202342024) 2025All prizes are subject to the provisions of Chapter 24, 2035F.S., 2036and rules promulgated thereunder. 2040Prizes will be paid in accordance with the rule of the Florida Lottery governing payment of prizes. A copy of the current prize payment rule can be obtained from the Florida Lottery, Office of the General Counsel, 250 Marriott Drive, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-4011.

    2083(1208452085) 2086Players must be at least 18 years of age. Persons prohibited by Section 209924.116, 2100F.S., 2101from purchasing a Florida Lottery ticket are not eligible to play.

    2112(1211362114) 2115By entering 2117the 2118Jaguars 2119Second Chance Drawing, a player gives his or her permission for the Florida Lottery to provide the player’s address and telephone number to 2142the 2143Jaguars 2144for prize fulfillment purposes.

    2148(1214972150) 2151By entering 2153the 2154Jaguars 2155Second Chance Drawing, a player gives his or her permission for the Florida Lottery to photograph and/or videotape and record the prizewinner with or without prior notification and to use the name, photograph, videotape, and/or recording of the prizewinner for advertising or publicity purposes without additional compensation.

    2202(1220382204) 2205Jacksonville Jaguars 2207S2208econd 2209C2210hance 2211D2212rawing2213s 2214shall be public, held in Tallahassee, Florida, and witnessed by an accountant employed by an independent certified public accounting firm. The results of each drawing will be available after the drawing on the Florida Lottery’s Web site at 2252www.flalottery.com2253.

    2254(2255192256) This offer is void where prohibited by law.

    2265Rulemaking 2266Aut2267hority 226824.105(9), 226924.1092270(12271) 2272FS. Law I2275mplemented 227624.105(9), 227724.115(1) 2278FS. History22802281New 7-30-102283.