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Florida Administrative Code (Last Updated: December 2, 2024) |
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53. Department of the Lottery |
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D53. Departmental |
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53ER13. Emergency Rule For Year 2013 |
1(1) 2Beginning 3April 16, 52013, 6through 7July 8, 92013, 10the Florida Lottery will conduct 15T16he Price is Right20® 21Second Chance Promotion in which 26players can enter their non-winning 31THE PRICE IS RIGHT35® 36Florida Lottery Scrat39ch-O40ff tickets 42on the Florida Lottery web47site 48for a chance 51to win 53a 54Las Vegas Game Show Experience trip package 61or 62a Wii64™ 65gaming console 67and The Price is Right72® 73Decades 74Wii75™ 76video 77game78. 79Winning 80THE PRICE IS RIGHT84® 85tickets cannot be used for entry in92t93o The Price is Right98® 99Second Chance Promotion.
102(2) 103Four 104second c106hance d108rawings 109will be held between 113May 8, 1152011613, 117and 118July 10, 1202013, 121from entries 123submitted 124by midnight ET 127on 128the 129last day of the entry period for 136each drawing. Entries will be good for one drawing only. The draw148ing 149schedule is151:
154Entry Period
156Draw157ing 158Date
160April 16, 1622013 163– 164May 6, 1662011673
168Wednesday, 169May 8, 1712011723
174May 7, 1762013 177– 178May 27, 1802013
181Wednesday, 182May 29, 1842011853
187May 28, 1892013 190– 191June 17, 1932013
194Wednesday, 195June 19, 1972013
199June 18, 2013- July 8, 2013
205Wednesday, July 10, 2013
209(2103) 211In each of the 215second chance drawings, 218four 219grand prize winner222s 223will win 225a 226Las Vegas Game Show Experience trip package and fifteen 235second 236prize winners will win a 241Wii242™ 243gaming console 245and The Price is Right250® 251Decades 252Wii253™ 254video 255game256. 257A grand total of 261seventy-six 262prizes will be awarded in the second c270hance drawings272.
273(4) 274To 275enter a non-winning 278THE PRICE IS RIGHT282® 283Scratch-284Off ticket 286in 287The Price is Right291® 292Second Chance Promotion, 295visit the Florida Lottery’s 299web300site at 302www.303flalottery.com, 304click on 306The Price is Right310® 311Second 312Chance 313banner, and follow 316the 317“Ticket Entry” 319directions320. 321Players will be prompted to log 327in or register. 330Scratch off the latex covering to reveal the 24-digit ticket 340number 341(4-digit game number and 20-346digit ticket number) 349located below the play instructions on the front of a Scratch-360O361ff ticket and enter the 366entire 36724-digit 368ticket 369number 370in the designated area374. 375Players will 377be provided an option to play 383The Price is Right387® 388i389nteractive game 391to 392reveal the number of entries assigned to the ticket. If players choose not to use the interactive feature or if they experience technical problems while using the interactive feature, the entries that would have been revealed 428in the course of playing the game will be credited to their entry account for that drawing period. 446In The Price is Right451® 452i453nteractive game, players collect points by playing the PLINKO462® 463and SPIN THE WHEEL games. 468Every 1,000 points collected equals one entry into a second chance drawing. 481Each non-winning THE PRICE IS RIGHT487® 488Scratch-Off ticket is randomly assigned a predetermined number of ent498ries ranging from one to five.
504(5) 505Players m507a508y enter as many times as they wish during the 518promotion 519period. However, each valid ticket number may only be used one time, for 532entries 533in534t535o one 537The Price is 540Right541® 542s543econd 544c545hance d547rawing. Tickets should not be mailed to the Lottery unless players are contacted by the Florida L564ottery and requested to do so. 570Non-winning tickets received in the mail by the Florida 579Lottery will not be entered in 585the drawing and will not be returned. 592The odds of winning are dependent upon the number of entries 603submitted604.
605(6606) 607Drawings. 608In 609each of the 612four 613drawings, the first 616through fourth 618valid 619entr620ies 621drawn will win 624a 625grand p627rize of 629a 630Las Vegas Game Show Experience trip package. 637T638he 639fifth 640through 641nineteenth 642valid entries drawn will win a 648second 649prize of 651a 652Wii653™ 654gaming console 656and The Price is Right661® 662Decades 663Wii664™ 665video 666game 667and 668will be 670used 671in the order in wh676ich they 678are claimed 680to select an alternate 684grand prize 686winner 687in the 689event a 691grand prize 693cannot be awarded. 696Alternate winners 698will not be selected for 703second 704prizes.
705(7) 706Notification.
707(a) 708The prize 710winners in each second chance d716rawing will be posted on flalottery.com 722after the 724draw725ing726. 727The F729lo730r731ida Lottery will attempt to notify each 738grand prize 740and 741second prize 743winner 744by telep746ho747n748e, U.S. mail or e-mail using the contact information provided in th760e 761winner’s registration data 764no later than 767three 768business days 770after the winners are drawn.
775(b) 776If the Florida Lottery is unable to contact a grand prize 787winner 788within 789one week 791of 792the date of the drawing, the winner will forfeit his or her right to claim the prize and the Florida Lottery will award the prize to 818the first 820alternate winner 822who has claimed his or her 828second 829prize in accordance with 833subsection 834(8358836) 837below838. 839If the Florida Lottery is unable to contact the alternate winner within 851one week 853of the date of award of the prize, the alternate winner will forfeit his or her right to claim the 873greater 874prize and the Florida Lottery will award the prize to a second alternate winner. 888This process will continue until an alternate is contacted or the Florida Lottery has exhausted the list of available alternates, provided that, to meet the anticipated schedule for the Las Vegas trip in October 2013, the last date upon which the Lottery will attempt to contact an alternate winner will be August 23, 2013.
942(c) If the Florida Lottery is unable to contact a second prize winner within one week 958of the date of the drawing, the winner will forfeit his or her right to claim the prize and the second prize will not be awarded. 984A second prize winner who forfeits his or her right to claim a second prize will also forfeit his or her right to serve as an alternate for a grand prize.
1015(1016d1017) 1018A 1019grand prize 1021alternate winner 1023who has claimed a 1027second 1028prize at the time of notification that he or she is the alternate winner of the grand prize 1046may retain his or her 1051second 1052prize 1053in addition to the grand prize1059.
1060(1061e1062) All entries are subject to validation by the Florida Lottery and may be disqualified if eligibility requirements are not met.
1083(108481085) 1086How to Claim a Prize1091.
1092To claim a 1095grand 1096or 1097second 1098prize 1099in a 1101The Price is Right1105® 1106second chance d1109rawing, the 1111winner 1112must submit to the Florida Lottery the original valid non-winning 1122THE PRICE IS RIGHT1126® 1127ticket 1128bearing the 1130entry number selected 1133in the drawing. Without such ticket, the 1140winner 1141will forfeit his or her right to claim a prize. Winners must submit the valid entry ticket along with a completed Winner Claim Form DOL 173-2, 1167revised 02/116911, 1170or Spanish Winner Claim Form DOL 173-2S, 1177revised 02/117911, 1180and 1181a 1182copy of acceptable 1185identification1186. 1187W1188inners must also submit 1192a notarized Florida Lottery Release and Authorization Form DOL-474, revised 10/08 or Spanish Florida Lottery Release and Authorization Form DOL-474S, effective 09/111214. 1215Form1216s DOL 173-2, DOL 173-2S, 1221DOL-474 1222and DOL-1224474S are 1226hereby incorporated by reference 1230and may be obtained at any Lottery office, from the Florida Lottery’s 1242w1243ebsite at 1245www.flalottery.com, 1246or by writing to: Florida Lottery, 1252Customer Service, 1254250 Marriott Drive, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-4016. 1260The required forms must be received by the Florida Lottery no later than one week after the winner 1278is notified by the Florida Lotte1284ry that he or she is a winner. 1292I1293f the Florida Lottery has not received the required forms 1303f1304rom 1305a grand prize 1308winner 1309by the seventh day after notification, the winner will forfeit his or her right to claim the prize and the Florida Lottery will award the prize to an alternate wi1339nner as described in subsection1344s 1345(6) and 1347(71348) 1349above. 1350If the Florida Lottery has not received the required 1359documentation 1360from 1361a second prize 1364winner 1365by the seventh day after notification, the winner will forfeit his or her right to claim the prize and the se1386cond prize will not be awarded.
1392(139391394) 1395Award of 1397Grand 1398Prizes1399.
1400(a) 1401Upon 1402the Florida Lottery’s receipt of a grand prize winner’s required documentation, the Lottery will award a prize of a 1421Las Vegas Game Show Experience trip package. 1428The winner will be provided 1433a certificate describing the 1437Las Vegas Game Show Experience trip package 1444along with the necessary information to make reservations to fulfill the prize. 1456Each trip 1458package 1459includes 1460the following: 1462roundtrip coach airfare for two 1467from any U.S. International airport 1472and/or Tallahassee Regional Airport 1476to McCarran International Airpor1480t in Las Vegas; 1484all ground transfers between the airport and the hotel and 1494Scientific Games International (“SGI”) hosted events; 1500one double occupancy deluxe hotel room for three nights 1509(room and room tax only); admission for 1516the 1517grand prize winner and guest 1522to 1523the 1524“Lottery Winners Only” 1527Las Vegas Game Show Experience; 1532and five-1534hundred dollars ($5001537) 1538cash1539. The retail value of the prize, including the cash portion, is 1551approximately 1552$7,000. The Florida Lottery will pay applicable Federal income tax withholding on the 1566actual 1567retail value of the grand prize, 1573which is calculated after the cost of airfare from the winner’s location is determined1587. The reportable taxable value of the grand prize is the 1598actual 1599retail value of the prize plus the value of the federal income tax withholding paid by the Lottery. The 1618estimated 1619reportable taxable value of the grand prize for a U.S. citizen is $9,333.33. 1633The $500 cash portion of the prize will be mailed to the winner approximately two weeks prior to 1651trip departure.
1653(b) 1654The 1655g1656rand 1657p1658rize 1659t1660rip does not include: mileage, insurance, gratuities, meals, parking fees, baggage fees, alcoholic beverages (other than those served without charge at any reception and/or party), personal expenses such as telephone calls, valet service, laundry, incidentals and the like, revision or cancellation fees which may be charged by the 1708airlines, 1709hotel 1710or other suppliers, or any other items not expressly specified herein.
1721(c) 1722The 1723g1724rand 1725p1726rize 1727t1728rip 1729is not transferable or assignable without the express written consent of the Lottery. If the 1744grand p1746rize 1747winner advises the Lottery in advance that he or she is unable to take the 1762g1763rand 1764p1765rize 1766t1767rip, the 1769grand p1771rize 1772winner will receive the $500 cash portion of the 1781g1782rand 1783p1784rize 1785t1786rip and may designate a proxy to use the travel portion of the 1799g1800rand 1801p1802rize 1803t1804rip in his or her stead and participate in the Las Vegas Game Show Experience; in such event, t1823he 1824grand prize winner 1827shall rece1829ive any prize won by the proxy, less applicable taxes, 1839and 1840the 1841grand pr1843ize 1844t1845rip and all prizes won by the proxy in the Las Vegas Game Show Experience will be taxable to the 1865grand p1867rize 1868winner.
1869(d) 1870Unless specified otherwise by the Lottery, if the 1878grand 1879p1880rize 1881winner is traveling via air and fails to appear at the designated time and place of departure, the airfare portion of the prize shall be forfeited and 1908the grand p1911rize 1912winner shall be responsible for making alternative arrangements to travel to Las Vegas at his or her own expense.
1931(e) Unless specified otherwise by the Lottery or unless prior alternative arrangements have been made, if the 1948grand 1949p1950rize 1951winner fails to check in to the hotel when he or she arrives in 1965Las 1966Vegas, the hotel portion of the prize shall be forfeited.
1976(f) 1977In the event that a 1982grand p1984rize 1985winner is unable to attend the trip due to unforeseen and reasonable circumstances, and there is insufficient time to designate a person to take the trip in his or her stead pursuant 2017to paragraph 2019(202092021)2022(c) 2023above, the balance of the trip prize shall be forfeited; however, the 2035Florida 2036Lottery or 2038Scientific Games International (“2042SGI2043”) 2044will appoint a proxy to play the Las Vegas Game Show Experience for the 2058grand p2060rize 2061winner 2062and all prizes won by the proxy shall be awarded to the 2074grand p2076rize 2077winner, 2078less applicable taxes2081.
2082(g) 2083If the 2085grand p2087rize 2088winner fails to arrive for his or her scheduled participation in the Las Vegas Game Show Experience, the 2106grand p2108rize 2109winner forfeits the right to personally participate in the Las Vegas Game Show Experience; however, a proxy shall play in the 2130grand p2132rize 2133winner’s place and all prizes won by the proxy shall be awarded to the 2147grand p2149rize 2150winner, 2151less applicable taxes2154.
2155(h) 2156Any portion of a prize forfeited by a winner under the scenarios described in 2170paragraphs 2171(21729)(d), (e) and (f) 2176above, that cannot be cancel2181l2182ed with a full refund, shall remain taxable income to the winner.
2194(i) Each grand prize winner must be 21 years of age or older to be eligible to play 2212the Las Vegas Game Show Experience2218. If the 2221grand 2222prize 2223winner is under the age of 21, he/she may designate a proxy or request that one be designated by the Florida Lottery or SGI 2247to play on his/her behalf. 2252If a 2254grand prize 2256winner designates a proxy, the proxy will be classified as the 2267grand prize 2269winner’s guest; if a 2273grand prize 2275winner has a proxy designated by the Florida Lottery or SGI, one guest will be permitted to acc2293ompany the winner on the trip. 2299The 2300grand prize 2302winner is solely responsible for the actions of the guest who acco2314mpanies the winner on the trip. 2320I2321f a 2323grand prize 2325winner’s guest is a minor, the 2331grand prize 2333winner must be the parent or legal guardian of such guest.
2344(2345j2346) The grand prize winner or the 2353grand prize 2355winner’s guest must have a valid credit card or shall be required to post a cash deposit to cover incidental 2375costs to check into the hotel. 2381The g2383rand prize winner and 2387his or her 2390guest must have all necessary identification and/or travel documents (e.g., a valid U.S. driver2404’2405s license or passport).
2409(2410k2411) Each 2413grand prize 2415winner shall participate as a contestant in the Las Vegas Game Show Experience. Each 2429grand p2431rize 2432winner wi2434ll play six games. 2438All prizes will be cash prizes. Each game will be played separately. After each game ends, any cash won will be tallied 2460for the 2462grand p2464rize 2465winner and cannot b2469e used in the remaining games. 2475The stage show will consist of the following games2484.
24851. 2486Game 1: 2488Match Game2490™ 2491will feature an emcee and a large screen, which will simulate the set of the original game show. 2509The 2510g2511rand 2512p2513rize 2514winner 2515will 2516play for a c2520ash prize of up to $500.
25262. 2527G2528ame 2: 2530Card Sharks2532™ 2533is a “High/Low” card game. 2538Card Sharks2540™ 2541is played using a standard deck of fifty-two oversized playing cards, card po2554diums, an emcee and a hostess. 2560The grand p2563rize 2564winner 2565will 2566play for 2568a 2569cash prize of up to $1,000.
25763. 2577Game 25783: 2579Let2580’2581s Make a Deal2585™ 2586will be played using envelopes, 2591boxes, an emcee and a hostess. 2597The grand p2600rize 2601winner 2602will 2603play for 2605a cash prize of up to $2,500.
26134. 2614Game 4: 2616Family Feud2618® 2619will feature an emcee and a large screen, which will simulate the set of t2634he original game show. 2638The grand p2641rize 2642winner 2643will 2644play for 2646a cash prize of up to $5,000.
26545. 2655Game 5: 2657The Price Is Right2661® 2662will involve spins 2665of The Price Is Right2670® 2671wheel. 2672The grand p2675rize 2676winner 2677will 2678play for 2680a cash prize of up to $25,000.
26886. 2689Game 6: 2691Press Your Luck2694® 2695will 2696feature an emcee and a board consisting of eighteen spaces, which w2708ill simulate the original set. 2713The grand p2716rize 2717winner 2718will 2719play 2720for a c2723ash prize of up to $1,000,000. 2731Odds of winning the $1,2736000,000 2738prize 2739are 1:2741972.
2742A 2743grand p2745rize 2746winner’s guest 2748may sit with 2751t2752he grand p2755rize 2756winner in the audience but will not be eligible to be a contestant on the L2772as Vegas Game Show Experience 2777unless the guest is serving as proxy for a grand prize winner who is under the age of 212796. 2797Prizewinners will attend a training session on their scheduled Las Vegas Game Show Experience day to review the rules of the Las Vegas Game Show Experience and learn how t2827o play the six featured games.
2833(l) 2834The total amount of cash won by 2841a 2842grand prize 2844winner in the Las Vegas Game Show Experience will be mailed to each grand prize winner within ten business days after the grand prize winn2869er’s departure from Las Vegas. 2874SGI shall withhold from such cash prizes the minimum req2884uired Federal withholding taxes2888. Any State 2891Owed Debt 2893owed by the grand prize winner shall also be collected as set forth in paragraph (290992910)(m) below. 2912Each grand p2915rize 2916winner shall 2918receive an IRS Form W-2G from SGI2925.
2926(m) The grand prize winner will be analyzed twice for State Owed Debt. The first analysis will occur at the time the grand prize is claimed. If the winner of a grand prize is identified as owing an outstanding debt to a state agency or child support collected through a court, the debt will be collected in accordance with 2985S2986ection 298724.115, 2988F.S2989. If the debt is an amount of less than the cash portion of the trip package prize ($500), the non-cash portion of the prize and the cash portion of the prize less the amount owed shall be awarded. If the winner is identified as owing such a debt in an amount greater than the cash portion of the prize, the winner’s entire cash portion of the prize will be applied toward the outstanding debt as provided in 3067S3068ection 306924.115, 3070F.S., 3071and the winner will receive the remaining non-cash portion of the prize. The second analysis will occur after the grand prize winner has participated in the Las Vegas Game Show Experience and the total 3105cash won has been determined. 3110If the winner is identified as owing an outstanding debt to a state agency or child support collected through a court, the debt will be collected in accordance with 3139S3140ection 314124.115, 3142F.S3143.
3144(n) The Florida Lottery reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to substitute different prizes of comparable value should the grand prize become unavailable.
3168(3169o3170) The Florida Lottery, 3174Scientific Games International, Inc., MDI Entertainment, LLC, FremantleMedia North America Inc., and their respective parent companies, affiliates, subsidiaries, directors, officers, agents and employees assume no liability or responsibility for damages, losses, or injury resulting from this promotion or the acceptance or use of a prize3219.
3220(1322103222) 3223Award of Second Prizes. 3227Upon the Florida Lottery’s 3231receipt of a second prize winner’s required documentation, the Lottery 3241will 3242award a 3244prize 3245of a 3247Wii3248™ 3249gaming console 3251complete with 3253a black console, black remote plus controller, remote jacket, black nunchuk, sensor bar, AC adapter, AV cable, Wii™ Sports and Wii™ Sports Resort disc 3277and The Price is Right3282® 3283Decades 3284Wii3285™ 3286video 3287game. 3288The Florida Lottery will notify the fulfillment company of the name of the winner and 3303the fulfillment company will ship the Wii3310™ 3311gaming console 3313and The Price is Right3318® 3319Decades Wii 3321™ 3322v3323i3324deo 3325game to second prize winners within approximately ten (10) business days after notification from the Florida Lottery. 3342(3343Approximate r3345etail 3346value 3347$1593348)
3349(1335013351) 3352All prizes are subject to the provisions of Chapter 24, 3362F.S., 3363and rules promulgated thereunder.
3367Prizes 3368shall be paid in accordance 3373with the rule 3376of the Florida Lotter3380y governing payment of prizes. 3385A copy of the current 3390prize payment 3392rule can be obtained from the Florida Lottery, Office of the General Counsel, 250 Marriott Drive, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-4011.
3411(1341223413) Except as specifically mentioned herein, all federal, state and/or local taxes or other fees on the prizes won in 3433The Price is Right3437® 3438Second Chance 3440Promotion 3441will be the responsibility of the winner. 3448Federal income taxes are 3452required to be withheld from a 3458second 3459prize awarded to a nonresident alien claimant at the rate of thirty percent pursuant to applicable provisions of the Internal Revenue Code3481. 3482Because there is no cash awarded in connection with the second prizes from which to withhold taxes, a 3500nonresident alien claimant who is selected as a winner of a 3511second 3512prize 3513will be required to pay the 3519withholding tax 3521or forfeit the prize. 3525The reporting and subsequent payment of any additional federal, state or local taxes will be the responsibility o3543f the nonresident alien winner.
3548(1354933550) No cash option is available in lieu of The Price is Right3563® 3564Second Chance Promotion prizes.
3568(35691357043571) Players must be at least 18 years of age. Persons 3582prohibited by 3584S3585ection 358624.116, 3587F.S., 3588from purchasing a Florida Lottery ticket are not eligible to play.
3599(36001360153602) The right to claim a prize cannot be assigned to another person or entity.
3617(36181361963620) By entering 3623The Price is Right3627® 3628Second Chance 3630Promotion, 3631a player gives his or her permission for the Florida Lottery to provide the player’s address and telephone number to 3651SGI 3652for 3653prize fulfillment purposes.
3656(36571365873659) By entering 3662The Price is Right3666® 3667Second Chance 3669Promotion, 3670a player gives his or her permission for the Florida Lottery to photograph and/or videotape and record the prizewinner with or without prior notification and to use the name, photograph, videotape, and/or recording of the prizewinner for advertising or publicity purposes without additional compensation.
3714(37151371683717) 3718The Price is Right3722® 3723second chance d3726rawings shall be public, held in Tallahassee, Florida, and witnessed by an accountant employed by an independent ce3744rtified public accounting firm.
3748Rulemaking Authority 375024.105(9), 375124.1037529(1) 3753FS. 3754Law Implemented 375624.105(9), 375724.115(1) 3758FS. 3759History–New 37604-12-13, 3761Replaced by 53ER14-41.