53ER15-8. Cruise for Cash Collect & Win Promotion  

Effective on Friday, February 13, 2015
  • 1(1) 2Beginning 3Monday, 4February 16, 620175, 8through 9Tuesday, 10April 111124, 13201145, 15the 16Florida Lottery will conduct the 21Cruise 22for 23Cash 24Collect 25& 26Win Promotion 28(“Promotion”)29. 30P31layers 32who purchase 34a 35FLORIDA LOTTO37® 38or 39FLORIDA LOTTO41® 42with 43XTRA 44ticket 45of 46any 47price point 49can scan 51the barcode on 54their ticket56s 57using 58a 59s60martphone or tablet, 63or 64can 65manually 66enter the 68ticket number 70on 71the Florida Lottery’s website 75to 76collect 77cruise 78symbols 79and earn entries into a drawing 85for a chance to win 90a tablet, 92up to $955,000 97in cash 99or a 1017-night 102Caribbean 103C104ruise 105P106ackage 107for two persons110. 111Both w113inning and non-116winning FLORIDA 118LOTTO 119tickets 120may 121be used to enter the 126Promotion. 127Only FLORIDA LOTTO tickets purchased during the promotion period 136may 137be used to enter the 142Promotion 143including 144FLORIDA LOTTO tickets associated with JACKPOT COMBO.

    151(2152) 153How to 155Participate.

    156(a) 157Cruise for Cash App Download and Registration164. 165A 166p167layer 168may 169participate in the 172Cruise for Cash 175Collect 176& 177Win Promotion 179by 180down181loa182ding 183the 184free 185Cruise for Cash Collect & Win 191app 192at the 194iTunes195® 196Store for iOS devices or at Google Play204® 205for Android207® 208devices. 209Players who downloaded the Lucky Lotto mobile app 217for the 2014 220Collect & Win Promotion will receive a message that an update is available for the Cruise 236f237or 238Cash 239Collect & Win 242Promotion. For 244easy access to the app, a 250QR code 252will be printed 255below the barcode on 259FLORIDA LOTTO 261tickets 262during the 264P265romotion period 267for 268the 269player to scan with 273a 274camera on 276a smartphone or tablet280. 281A 282QR 283c284ode 285will also 287appear 288on 289Cruise for Cash 292Collect 293& 294Win Promotion 296p297oint-of-298s299ale materials displayed at Florida Lottery retailers. 306FLORIDA LOTTO tickets associated with JACKPOT COMBO will not contain a QR code or entry instructions. 322After the app is downloaded, 327the 328p329layer will be prompted to 334register 335his or her 338contact information 340and 341will 342be sent 344an 345email 346directing the player to 350confirm his 352or her 354registration. 355The 356player should check 359the 360junk mail or spam folder 365if he 367or she 369do370es 371not 372promptly 373receive a375n email 377confirmation. 378Thereafter, 379the player may 382log383in 384using 385his or her email 389address 390and password. 392A p394layer who registered for the 2014 Lucky Lotto Collect & 404W405in app 407will not be required 411to register for 414the 415Cruise for Cash Collect & Win Promotion; 422he or she 425may use the same email 430address 431and password to 434login. 435A 436player may also 439login to th442e 443Cruise for Cash Collect & Win 449app using the player’s 453existing 454Facebook 455account and associated password.

    459(b) Web Browser. 462A 463player 464may 465participate in the 468Promotion 469via 470web browser 472by 473visit474ing 475the Lottery’s homepage, 478flalottery.com, 479click480ing 481on the 483Cruise for Cash 486Collect & Win banner 490and 491follow492ing 493the directions, 495or by going directly to flalottery.com/501collectandwin502.

    503(c) 504Regardless of whether a player chooses to participate in the Promotion by smar517tphone, tablet or 520web browser 522the 523following provisions shall apply527:

    5281. 529T530he 531player 532may 533use 534the same 536account login information 539to 540enter tickets;

    5422. 543T544he 545player 546will only be required to register one time; 554and

    5553. 556T557he 558player’s 559entry history 561will be cumulative.

    564(3) 565How to 567Earn Entries569.

    570(a) 571To collect 573cruise 574symbols 575and 576earn entries in579to 580a drawing, 582a player 584may 585scan 586the barcode 588o589n the 591bottom of a 594FLORIDA LOTTO 596ticket u598sing 599a 600camera on 602a 603smartphone or tablet, 606or 607a player 609may 610manually 611enter the 19-digit 614ticket 615number 616located above the bar code 621on the entry page 625at 626flalottery.com627/628collectandwin629. 630One of 632three 633play cards will appear on the screen640. 641Each play card contains six 646spots647. 648Each ticket 650number 651entered will randomly 654generat655e 656one of 658five 659cruise 660play 661symbols 662and place it 665in the 667next available 669spot 670on 671the 672next available 674play 675card. 676The Florida Lottery 679l680ogo is a 683bonus 684s685ymbol on each card. 689Once a 691symbol has been collected 695on all 697three 698play cards, the symbol will be eliminated from the random selection process. 710When 711a single 713play 714card is filled up 718with all 720five 721different 722cruise 723symbols 724and one 726bonus 727space (Florida Lottery logo), 731an entry 733is 734generated 735into the next available drawing 740and 741the 742play 743card 744is 745reset to capture more symbols 750towards 751the next entry. 754A player will 757earn 758an entry with a minimum of 764five 765tickets to a maximum of 770thirteen 771tickets 772scanned or 774entered. 775Partially completed cards 778will 779carry over to the next entry period. 786A player 788may 789earn 790multiple entries 792during the contest 795period; 796however, 797a player may only manually enter or scan 805up to two hundred tickets per day812. 813Each ticket number can only be 819scanned or 821entered one time. 824Entries 825that include tickets with 829invalid 830ticket 831numbers or tickets that have been canceled will be 840disqualif841ied 842from the 844applicable 845drawing 846or drawings848. 849The 850odds of winning 853depend on 855the number of 858entries in 860each drawing862. All entries are subject to validation by the Florida Lottery and may 875be 876disqualified if eligibility requirements are not met. 883FLORIDA LOTTO 885tickets 886should not be mailed to the Lottery893. 894T895ickets received in the mail by the Flo903rida Lottery will not be entered into 910the 911Promotion 912and will not be returned.

    917(918b919) Facebook. 921Players may earn up to 926three 927free 928cruise 929symbols 930towards an entry 933by inviting Facebook friends to participate in the 941Cruise for Cash Collect & Win 947Promotion. 948To be eligible to earn 953a 954free 955cruise 956symbol, 957a 958player must first 961scan 962or enter 964a 965FLORIDA LOTTO 967ticket, 968as described in paragraph (3)(a) above974. 975Thereafter, 976the 977player may 979click 980on the 982983Invite Friends985 986button on 988the 989e990ntry page 992to 993open the 995playe996r997998s F1000acebook 1001f1002riends 1003l1004ist. The player 1007may 1008select 1009friends and invite them to participate in the 1017P1018romotion. 1019For every 1021ten 1022invites th1024e player 1026sends, 1027he or she 1030will receive 1032one 1033free 1034cruise symbol1036. A 1038maximum of thirty friend invites 1043may be sent 1046and 1047a maximum of 1050three free 1052cruise 1053symbols 1054may be earned 1057during the 1059span of the 1062Promotion.

    1063(106441065) Coupons. During the 1069span of the Promotion, 1073coupons for a “Free $1 FANTASY 51080® 1081Quick Pick 1083ticket with the purchase of a FLORIDA LOTTO1091® 1092ticket of $1 or more” will be generated 1100for 1101every 1102twenty-five 1103ticket1104s 1105scanned or entered statewide 1109up to a maximum of 100,000 coupons1117. 1118When a special 1121coupon 1122message is generated, 1125it will 1127appear 1128on the 1130player’s entry page after the player has entered a FLORIDA LOTTO ticket to earn 1144cruise 1145symbols towards an entry into a drawing. 1152The message 1154will notify the player that a free ticket coupon has been added to the player’s account. 1170To redeem, the player must print the coupon and present it to any Florida Lottery retailer or any Florida Lottery office. 1191Coupons may not be redeemed by mail 1198or through mobile devices1202. 1203Coupons 1204are valid for one use only and 1211expi1212re at midnight 1215(1216ET1217) 1218on May 31, 2015. 1222FLORIDA LOTTO 1224tickets that are purchased 1228in conjunction with 1231a coupon redemption can only be canceled afte1239r the associated free FANTASY 5 1245ticket is canceled.

    1248(124951250) 1251Cruise for Cash 1254Drawing1255s1256. 1257Four computerized drawings will be held 1263between 1264March 5, 126620112675 1268and 1269April 127016, 127120112725, 1273and winners will be selected from entries 1280submitted before midnight 1283(1284ET1285) 1286on the last day of the entry period for each drawing1297. 1298Entries 1299will be 1301good for one drawing 1305only1306. 1307Winners will be randomly selected 1312using a certified random number generation process1319. 1320The drawing dates 1323and entry periods 1326are 1327as follows1329:


    1331Drawing Date

    1333Entry Period


    1336Thursday, 1337March 5, 133920113405

    1341February 16, 134320113445 1345– March 3, 20113495


    1351Thursday, 1352March 19, 135420113555

    1356March 13574, 135820113595 13601361March 17, 136320113645


    1366Thursday, 1367April 13682, 136920113705

    1371March 18, 137320113745 13751376March 31, 137820113795


    1381T1382hursday, 1383April 138416, 138520113865

    1387April 1, 20113905 1391 1392April 139314, 139420113955

    1396In each of the four 1401draw1402ings, the Florida Lottery will draw a total of 1411eighty 1412entries. The 1414first 1415five 1416valid entries drawn 1419will 1420each 1421win 1422a 1423grand 1424prize1425. 1426T1427he 1428sixth 1429through 1430tenth 1431valid 1432entries drawn will 1435each 1436win 1437a 1438first 1439prize1440. 1441T1442he 1443eleventh 1444t1445hrough 1446fifteenth 1447valid 1448entries drawn will 1451each 1452win a 1454second 1455prize1456. 1457The sixteenth through twenty-fifth valid entries drawn will each win a 1468third 1469prize. The 1471remaining 1472valid 1473entries drawn 1475will be 1477used in 1479the order in 1482which they were drawn 1486and 1487in the 1489order of need 1492to select an alternate 1496grand, 1497first 1498or 1499second 1500prize winner 1502in the event a 1506grand, 1507first 1508or 1509second 1510prize cannot be awarded. 1514Alternate winners will not be selected for 1521third 1522prizes.

    1523(6) Prizes. In each of the four drawings, prizes will be awarded in accordance with the table below.

    1541Prize Level

    1543Prize Description

          1545Winners Per Drawing

    1548Grand Prize

    15507-night Caribbean Cruise Package for Two Persons


    1558First 1559Prize



    1563Second 1564Prize



    1567Third 1568Prize



    1571(157271573) Winner 1575Notification. The 1577F1578lo1579r1580ida Lottery will attempt to notify each 1587prize1588winner by telep1591ho1592n1593e, U.S. mail or email using the contact information provided in th1605e 1606winner’s registration data 1609no later than 1612twenty-1613four hours 1615after the winners are 1619posted on the Florida Lottery’s website1625. 1626If the Florida Lottery is unable to 1633have personal 1635contact 1636with 1637a 1638grand, 1639first 1640or 1641second 1642prize 1643winner within 1645two weeks 1647of the date 1650the winners are posted on the website, 1657the winner will forfeit his or her right to claim the prize and the Florida L1673ottery will award the prize to the first available 1682alternate winner 1684from the pool of alternates described above1691. 1692If the Florida Lottery is unable to have personal contact with the first alternate winner within two weeks of 1711notification of 1713the award of prize, the first alternate winner will forfeit his or her right to claim the prize and the Florida Lottery will award the prize to the second alternate winner. 1744This process will continue until an alternate is contacted or the Florida Lottery has exhausted the list of alternates, 1763in which case 1766the prize 1768will not be awarded. 1772If the Florida Lottery is unable to have personal contact with a 1784third 1785prize winner within two weeks of the date the winners are posted on the website, the winner will forfeit his or her right to claim the prize 1812and the prize will not be awarded.

    1819(18208) 1821How to Claim a Prize. 1826To claim 1828a1829ny 1830prize in 1832a 1833Cruise for Cash 1836d1837rawing, 1838the 1839winner 1840must submit 1842to 1843the Florida Lottery 1846a completed Winner 1849Claim Form DOL-173-2, revised 91854/118553, 1856or 1857Spanish Winner Claim Form 1861DOL-173-2S, revised 18639/13, 1864and 1865a copy of acceptable identification 1870a1871s set forth in the rule of the 1879Florida Lottery governing payment of prizes. 1885A 1886copy of the current prize payment rule can be obtained from the Florida Lottery, Office of the General Counsel, 250 Marriott Drive, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-4011. 1911A 1912grand 1913prize 1914and 1915second 1916prize 1917winner 1918must also submit a 1922completed 1923Release and Authorization form DOL-474, revised 192981930/13, or Spanish Florida Lottery Release and 1937A1938uthorization Form DOL-474S, 1941revised 194281943/13. 1944Forms DOL-173-2, 1946DOL-173-2S, 1947DOL-474 and DOL-474S 1950are hereby incorporated by reference and can be obtained 1959from any Lottery office, 1963from the Lottery’s website, flalottery.com, 1968or by writing to: Florida Lottery, Customer Service, 250 Marriott Drive, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-4016. 1982The 1983required 1984documents 1985must be received b1989y 1990the Florida Lottery no later than 1996two weeks 1998after the winner is notified by the Florida Lottery that he or she is a winner. If the Florida Lottery has not received the 2022required 2023documents 2024from a grand, 2027first 2028or 2029second 2030prize winner 2032by the 2034fourteenth 2035day after notification, the winner will forfeit his or her right to claim the prize 2050and 2051the 2052Florida Lottery will award the prize to 2059an 2060alternate winner as described in 2065subsections 2066(206752068) and (207172072), 2073above2074. If the Florida Lottery has not received the required forms from a 2087third 2088prize winner by the fourteenth day after notification, the winner will forfeit his or her right to claim the prize and the prize will not be awarded. 2115A prizewinner 2117in this Promotion 2120is 2121not required to submit the FLORIDA LOTTO tickets 2129he or she 2132scanned or 2134manually entered 2136t2137o generate an entry 2141in order to claim a prize2147.

    2148(214992150) Award of 2153Grand 2154Prize.

    2155(a) 2156Upon receipt of a 2160grand 2161prize winner’s required documentation, the Florida Lottery will award a prize of 2173a 21747-night Caribbean Cruise 2177Package 2178for two persons 2181(“Cruise Package”) 2183and provide the winner a certificate describing the prize 2192and containing the name and contact information for the winner to contact to make reservations to fulfill the 2210cruise2211. 2212A 2213C2214ruise 2215P2216ackage consists of the following:

    22211. 222272223-night 2224cruise for two persons 2228in an 2230ocean view 2232balcony stateroom 2234aboard the Norwegian Pearl or 2239the 2240Norwegian Getaway 2242to its respec2245tive Caribbean destinations;

    224822249. 2250$1,000 American Express gift card 2256(“gift card”) 2258to be applied to the winner’s ship account and utilized for items such as 2272beverage service, shore excursions and other incidental expenditures;

    22803. $1,000 cash for hotel and travel expenses to and from the port of call; and

    229742298. 2299$500 cash in spending money.

    2304Cruise ship2306s 2307depart from the Port of Miami or the Port of 2317Tampa. The grand prize winner shall select the specific 2326Norwegian 2327cruise 2328ship 2329at the time of making 2334reservations2335. All 2337trip related sales and destination/departure taxes are included 2345as well as g2349ratuities for the cabin steward, maitre d’, head waiter and bus staff. 2361The gift card and check for $1,500 (travel expenses plus spending money) will be sent to the winner not less than ten days prior to departure 2388by the fulfillment company2392. 2393The value of the grand prize, 2399including the travel allowance and spending 2405money is 2407$7,24087024090.00. The Florida Lottery will pay applicable federal income tax withholding on the value of the prize. The reportable taxable value of the prize includes the value of the prize 2439plus the 2441value of the federal income tax withholding paid by the Lottery. 2452The reportable taxable value of the Cruise Package for a U.S. citizen is $246610,266.67.

    2468(b) 2469A 2470C2471ruise 2472P2473ackage does not include 2477insurance, parking fees, baggage fees, or any items not expressly specified. 2488If a grand prize winner must reschedule a 2496cruise 2497after it has been booked, the grand prize winner will be responsible for all costs associated with rebooking. 2515Cruise 2516P2517ackages must be 2520booked 2521within one year 2524after the prize has been claimed2530. 2531A grand prize winner has until March 1, 2017, to sail. Cruise s2544hips, itineraries and dates 2548of travel 2550are subject to availability; 2554however, there 2556are no blackout date restrictions. 2561The 2562grand 2563prize 2564winner or the 2567grand 2568prize 2569winner’s guest must be 21 ye2575ars of age or older. 2580An exception may be made for an underage married couple, provided both persons are at least 18 years of age. In such case, Norwegian Cruise Lines may require proof of marriage. 2611At the request of a grand prize winner and with the approval of the Lottery, the winner may transfer the 2631C2632ruise 2633P2634ackage once prior to booking at no additional cost to the grand prize winner. In the event of transfer, the original winner shall receive the $26601,500 2662cash prize and 2665gift card, 2667and 2668the 2669entire value of the prize shall remain taxable income to the 2680original 2681prizewinner. 2682Reasonable accommodations may be made for winners who desire an alternate Norwegian cruise destination. 2696Should a winner request a Caribbean itinerary on a different Norwegian ship, the cruise must have the same or a lesser value and is subject to availability. 2723If the 2725prizewinner selects an 2728alternate 2729cruise 2730that 2731has 2732a lesser value 2735than the original cruise, 2739the 2740prize2741winner 2742will not be awarded 2746the 2747difference in value.

    2750(c) If a grand prize winner fails to show up at the designated time of cruise departure, the Cruise Package shall be forfeited with the exception of the $1,500 cash and gift card, and the entire value of the 2790grand 2791prize will 2793remain 2794taxable to the winner.

    2798(d) If a grand prize winner claims 2805the 2806prize with the Florida Lottery but fails to book the 2816cruise with the fulfillment company 2821within one year of the date of 2828prize 2829claim, the Cruise Package shall be forfeited with the exception of the $1,500 cash and gift card2847. The cash and gift card 2853will 2854be mailed to the grand prize winner 2861immediately 2862after the 2864one-year booking timeframe 2867has 2868passed and the 2871entire value 2873of 2874the 2875grand 2876prize will 2878remain 2879taxable 2880to the winner.

    2883(28841288502886) 2887First 2888Prize. Upon receipt of a 2893first 2894prize winner’s required documentation, the Florida Lottery will award a prize of $29075,0002909.

    2910(29111291212913) 2914Second 2915Prize. 2916Upon receipt of a 2920second 2921prize winner’s required documentation, the Florida Lottery w2929ill award a prize of a tablet. 2936The Florida Lottery 2939will notify the fulfillment company of the name and con2949tact information of the prize2954winner and the fulfillment company shall ship the tablet 2963to the prizewinner 2966within five 2968business days of the date 2973the fulfillment 2975company 2976verifi2977es the 2979winner’s information 2981and confirms the winner’s 2985tablet selection. 2987The winner will have the choice of one of four tablet2998s 2999valued up to $599.

    3003(1300423005) 3006Third 3007Prize. Upon receipt of a 3012third 3013prize winner’s required documentation, the Florida Lottery will award a prize of $3026250.

    3027(30281302933030) 3031State-3032O3033wed Debt. 3035Grand 3036prize 3037and 3038first 3039prize 3040winners 3041will 3042be analyzed for 3045state-o3046wed 3047d3048ebt. 3049If 3050a 3051grand prize or a 3055first 3056prize 3057winner is 3059identified as owing an outstanding debt to a state agency or child support collected through a court, the debt will be collected in accordance with 3084S3085ection 308624.115, 3087F3088.3089S. 3090If the debt of a grand prize winner is an amount of less than the cash portion of the prize, the non-cash portion of the prize and the cash portion of the prize less the amount owed shall be awarded. If the debt is an amount greater than the cash portion of the prize, the grand prize winner’s entire cash portion of the prize will be applied toward the outstanding debt and the winner will receive the remaining non-cash portion of the prize3173.

    3174(31751317643177) 3178Taxes. 3179Except as specifically mentioned herein, all federal, state and/or local taxes or other fees 3193on 3194Cruise for Cash 3197Collect & Win 3200prizes 3201will be the responsibilit3205y of the winner.

    3209(32101321153212) 3213Other Restrictions 3215and Provisions3217.

    3218(a) The right to claim a prize cannot be assigne3228d to another person or entity.

    3234(b) No cash option is available in lieu of non-cash prizes.

    3245(3246c3247) 3248All prizes are subject to the provisions of Chapter 24, F3259.3260S3261., 3262and rules promulgated thereunder. Prizes will be paid in accordance with the rule of the Florida Lottery governing payment of prizes. Copies of the current prize payment rule can be obtained from the Florida Lottery, Office of the General Counsel, 250 Marriott Drive, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-4011.

    3308(3309d3310) Players must be at least 18 years of age. Persons prohibited by Section 332424.116, 3325F3326.3327S3328., 3329from purchasing a Florida Lottery ticket are not eligible to play.

    3340(3341e3342) A player entering 3346a 3347Cruise for Cash 3350Collect & 3352Win 3353d3354rawing 3355is deemed to have granted permission for the Florida Lottery to photograph and/or videotape and record the prizewinner with or without prior notification and to use the name, photograph, videotape, and/or recording of the prizewinner for advertising or publicity purposes without additional compensation.

    3398(3399f3400) 3401Cruise for Cash 3404Collect &3406Win 3407d3408rawing3409s 3410shall be public, held in Tallahassee, Florida, and witnessed by an accountant employed by an independent certified public accounting firm. 3430The results of each drawing will be 3437available 3438after the drawing on the Florida Lottery’s website at flalottery.com.

    3448Rulemaking Authority 345024.105(9), 345124.109(1) FS. 3453Law Implemented 345524.105(9), 345624.115(1) 3457FS. History3459–N3460ew 34612-13-153462.