55A-7.009. Announcements, Applications and Due Process  

Effective on Wednesday, August 17, 2022
  • 1(1) The employer, 4whether the state or a political subdivision, 11shall give notice in all written announcements and audio and video advertisements of 24employment opportunities subject to preference under Section 31295.07, F.S., 33that preference in appointment will be given to preference-eligible applicants, 43and shall indicate whether such position is deemed eligible for a waiver of postsecondary educational requirements59.

    60(2) The employer shall inform preference-eligible applicants at the time of application of the right to an investigation by the Department if a non-preference eligible applicant is appointed to a position, the time limits for requesting such investigation, and the address to which the request for an investigation should be sent.

    111(3) 112Any employment application forms for positions that are subject to Veterans’ Preference under Section 126295.07, F.S., 128shall ask whether the applicant is claiming Veterans’ Preference, 137and shall state that required documentation must accompany application or be submitted prior to the application deadline date and time157.

    158(4) The employer shall ensure that records are maintained which document the manner of the selection and the propriety of the selection process and decision in accordance with federal and state laws.

    190(5) In the event that a preference-eligible applicant is not selected for a position, the employer shall notify the applicant within 14 business days of the hiring decision, which time clock begins to run when the employer secures a commitment from the selected applicant for a date certain to start work.

    241(6) The employer is required to document and justify the decision to hire a non-preference eligible applicant over the preference-eligible applicant because the decision may be challenged by the preference-eligible applicant and subjected to review by the Department of Veterans’ Affairs pursuant to Section 285295.11, F.S., 287resulting in investigative findings as to the merits which will be sent to the complaining applicant and the employer. If an applicant pursues an administrative determination in accordance with Section 317120.569 318or 319120.57, F.S., 321the Department’s opinion may be sent to the Public Employees Relations Commission.

    333(7) Jurisdiction to effectuate the purposes of Sections 295.07-295.09, F.S., shall vest with the Public Employees Relations Commission for an administrative determination which may include hearing, dismissal without hearing, and entering orders as it deems appropriate under the powers and duties authorized by Sections 377295.11 378and 379447.207(9)(c), F.S. 381Its decision 383shall be final agency action, which shall be reviewable pursuant to Section 395447.504, F.S., 397in the district courts of appeal pursuant to Section 406120.68, F.S.

    408Rulemaking Authority 410295.07(2) FS. 412Law Implemented 414295.065, 415295.11 FS. 417History–New 3-30-88, Formerly 22VP-1.009, Amended 2-12-90, 7-12-93, 6-11-08, 6-27-16, 8-17-22.