60BB-4.203. Eligibility for Children in Working Families Whose Income Does Not Exceed 150 Percent of the Federal Poverty Level (Transferred)  

Effective on Monday, April 21, 2003
  • 1(1) Initial eligibility.

    4(a) Family income, as defined in rule, must be at or below 150 percent of the federal poverty level.

    23(b) “Working families,” as defined by subsection 3160BB-4.100(22), 32F.A.C., will be given priority for enrollment under this eligibility category. A coalition may also serve additional children who are determined to be at high risk of school failure; however, such families must meet the statutory definition of “economically disadvantaged.”

    72(2) Maintaining eligibility.

    75(a) Pursuant to Section 411.01, F.S., once determined eligible for school readiness services a child shall remain eligible until he or she reaches kindergarten age. However, eligibility for financially-assisted school readiness services under this category may only continue provided the family’s income is at or below 200% of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL) as the upper level of the program subsidy support as stated in section 3.3-“Eligibility Criteria for Child Care” of the State of Florida’s Child Care and Development Services Plan.

    157(b) A parent must notify the coalition, or its designee, of any change in employment, income, or family size within ten (10) calendar days.

    181Specific Authority 411.01(4)(184e185) FS. Law Implemented 411.01(5)(d), (6) FS. History–New 4-21-03.


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