60FF-1.003. Establishing and Maintaining Eligibility for Non-Required SUNCOM Customers  

Effective on Wednesday, June 25, 2008
  • 1Eligible Users that are not Required Users must submit an electronic mail request to customerservice@dms.myflorida.com, provide the associated information necessary to prove eligibility and agree to the provisions of these rules and SUNCOM policies and procedures prior to becoming a Customer.

    42(143) 44Once designated by the Department as eligible, Eligible Users have the obligation to maintain knowledge of statutory eligibility requirements, verify their ongoing eligibility and notify the Depart71ment upon loss of eligibility.

    76(2) 77If the Department discovers that an Eligible User no longer qualifies in accordance with Sections 282.103-.107, F.S., the Department shall declare an Eligible User ineligible.

    102(3) 103The acts of an entity to establish an account in the CSAB System(s) or accept SUNCOM Services is considered acknowledgement by the entity of these eligibility requirements and is a declaration that the entity is eligible in accordance with Sections 282.103-.107, F.S.

    145(4) 146The registration process in the CSAB System(s) will consist of the following:

    158(a) 159Upon first login of the Authorizing Official (User), the User will be prompted with a statement akin to the following: By ordering SUNCOM Services, the User acknowledges:

    1861. 187All requirements of Chapter 282, F.S., and the 195r196ules, policies and procedures of the Department;

    2032. 204Responsibility to pay for ordered services until cancelled by the User;

    2153. 216That the resale of any SUNCOM service to a non-Eligible User is expressly prohibited;

    2304. 231Responsibility to notify the Department upon any change in eligibility within thirty days of status change;

    2475. 248That telephone numbers and electronic addresses provided by the Department as part of the SUNCOM Service offering belong to the Department and upon termination of the SUNCOM service cannot be transferred to another entity without the Department’s expressed written consent.

    288(b) 289The potential Customer will be asked to Accept or Decline these terms and conditions.

    303(5) 304Accepting these terms will allow the Customer to provide a profile in the CSAB System including:

    320(a) 321Category of Organization as pertains to eligibility: County, City, Non-Profit, Education, Library, Contractor, etc.

    335(b) 336If the User is a Contractor, additional information is required before use of the CSAB System is possible: State Agency, County or City government the Eligible User has a contract with, Contract Number, Expiration Date, Contract Administrator (must be state, county or city government employee), Telephone Number of Contract Administrator, Email Address of Contract Administrator.

    391(c) 392Upon completion of this information, the Customer will be able to place orders.

    405(6) 406Declining these terms will result in a statement akin to the following: Acceptance is required for the use of SUNCOM Service. Please contact your local SUNCOM Representative with questions or concerns at: 866-MY-DMS-IT.

    439Specific Authority 282.102(9) FS. Law Implemented 282.102(2), (8), (12), 282.103, 282.104, 282.105, 282.106, 282.107 FS. 454History–New 4556-25-08456.


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