60FF-6.002. County E911 Plan Compliance  

Effective on Thursday, February 17, 2011
  • 1(1) Each County E911 plan shall include:

    8(a) System Summary including identification of all public safety agencies (law enforcement, fire protection, emergency medical, and rescue agencies), within the boundaries of the 911 system including PSAPs, government agencies, type of systems and service providers and any major distinguishing features.

    49(b) System Management including a brief description of how the system is presently being or will be managed.

    67(c) Agreements including briefly described agreements between PSAPs (inter-local agreements) and counties (regional agreements).

    81(d) System definition section defining each PSAP and its equipment compliance with the technical and operational standards in Rule 10060FF-6.005, 101F.A.C., and shall include the number of answering positions, total staff and the number of incoming trunks.

    118(e) Call handling section defining how each PSAP handles calls intended for each emergency service agency within its jurisdiction.

    137(f) System serving area showing each PSAP, each central office area, central office overlap areas. This information will not be posted on the State E911 Web site with the County E911 plan.

    169(g) PSAP 911 Trunk Network, a functional diagram, showing the routing of calls from the various central offices and other E911 circuits to the various PSAPs. This information will not be posted on the State E911 Web site with the County E911 plan.

    212(2) All E911 systems shall conform to Rule 22060FF-6.005, 221F.A.C. Should an entity of local government desire to alter its system, it shall seek prior approval in accordance with Section 242365.171(9), F.S. 244The request shall be submitted in writing to the Statewide 911 Coordinator, including identification of PSAP(s)/agencies, new equipment and quantities, delete equipment and system cost.

    269(a) If said request is approved, the Department of Management Services shall thereupon deliver written notification thereof to the requesting entity.

    290(b) If said request is denied, the Department of Management Services shall thereupon deliver written notification thereof to the requesting entity, setting forth therein the specific reasons for said denial.

    320(3) The existing county E911 plan shall be modified to reflect the expansion and changes, and each change shall be clearly noted.

    342(4) Final county E911 plan approval must be obtained prior to the system becoming operational. Once a system is operational; an entity can submit a written request to the statewide 911 coordinator for a certification inspection of its respective E911 system as meeting the minimum technical and operational standards in subsection 39360FF-6.002(1) 394and Rule 39660FF-6.005, 397F.A.C.

    398Rulemaking Authority 400365.171(4), 401(9) FS. Law Implemented 405365.171(4), 406(10) FS. History–New 2-17-11.


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