60H-6.005. Purpose and Right to Public Access and Freedom of Expression  

Effective on Wednesday, March 1, 2023
  • 1(1) Purpose. The purpose of this rule chapter is to ensure that activity at Buildings in the Florida Facilities Pool is conducted in a manner that protects public health and safety and ensures that state employees and officials can fulfill their responsibilities.

    43(2) Public Access.

    46(a) Normal Working Hours. Except as otherwise expressly provided, areas within Buildings in the Florida Facilities Pool must be open to the general public as necessary to permit the general public to transact official business or attend public meetings. At a minimum, this access must be available during normal working hours (8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday), except: during state holidays established in Section 112110.117, F.S., 114or those granted to executive branch employees by the Governor; during emergencies that 127pose a 129danger to public health, safety, or welfare; 136during times when the building is uninhabitable or when construction work to be done renders the space inaccessible; or during times where the space is properly reserved for an event.

    166(b) Closure. When a Building in the Florida Facilities Pool is closed to the public, admission to such building will be limited to those authorized by the Department or the Governmental Entity occupying the space. If requested by a duly authorized law enforcement officer, such persons must provide satisfactory evidence of their identity and authorization to enter the building.

    225(c) 226Accessibility. Information regarding the accessibility of the Capitol Complex pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is available on the Department’s website at: https://www.dms.myflorida.com/business_operations/real_estate_development_ and_management/bureau_of_operations_and_maintenance/building_information/capitol_complex_information.

    252(3) Freedom of Expression.

    256(a) Demonstration Activity. Demonstration Activity is permitted in the outdoor spaces of the Capitol Complex. Persons engaged in Demonstration Activity are required to comply with other applicable provisions of this rule chapter.

    288(b) Right to Public Comment. The limitation on Demonstration Activity to outdoor spaces at the Capitol Complex does not limit or infringe on the ability to attend public meetings and provide public comment at such meetings held within a Building in the Florida Facilities Pool.

    333Rulemaking Authority 335255.249(9), 336255.503(11) 337FS. Law Implemented 340255.249(1), 341255.503(11) 342FS. History–New 8-1-78, Formerly 13D-5.04, 13M-9.005, Amended 1-9-96, 3-1-23.