60H-6.011. Use and Responsibilities of Parties at Buildings in the Florida Facilities Pool  

Effective on Wednesday, March 1, 2023
  • 1(1) Use of Space in Buildings in the Florida Facilities Pool. All Governmental Entities that occupy Buildings in the Florida Facilities Pool (or portions thereof), other than the Legislature (or a unit thereof), must ensure that such occupied space is not used for purposes other than the Governmental Entity’s official purposes; except that the Governmental Entity, on a temporary basis not to exceed seven (7) calendar days, may allow the space to be used for the official purposes of another Agency or a non-Agency providing education or training to government employees relating to their public duties. For spaces occupied by the Legislature, or a unit thereof, such spaces are subject to the House or Senate rules, as applicable.

    119(2) Responsibilities of Parties at Buildings. All persons at a Building in the Florida Facilities Pool are subject to the following:

    140(a) Preservation of Property. Except as expressly authorized by the Department, it is unlawful for any person(s):

    1571. To dispose or cause to be disposed any trash in or on any Buildings in the Florida Facilities Pool in a manner or by means other than in the on-premise trash cans;

    1902. To create or cause to be created any hazard to persons or things in or on any Buildings in the Florida Facilities Pool;

    2143. To throw or cause to be thrown articles of any kind from or within a Building in the Florida Facilities Pool;

    2364. To climb upon the roof or walls of any part of a Building in the Florida Facilities Pool; or

    2565. To willfully destroy, damage, or remove any property in any Building in the Florida Facilities Pool.

    273(b) Disturbances. All conduct in or on any Building in the Florida Facilities Pool that:

    2881. Unreasonably obstructs the usual and customary use of a Building in the Florida Facilities Pool;

    3042. Endangers the safety of other persons at the Building in the Florida Facilities Pool;

    3193. Unreasonably disrupts the performance of official duties or functions of a state officer or employee; or

    3364. Prevents the public from obtaining the administrative services provided in a Building in the Florida Facilities Pool in a timely manner; is prohibited.

    360(c) Signage. Unless approved by the Department (or the Governmental Entity in the case of occupied space), no person acting outside their official capacity may:

    3851. Staple, tape, or otherwise affix an exhibit, poster, sign, or display on or in a Building in the Florida Facilities Pool;

    4072. Establish a freestanding exhibit, poster, sign, or display on or in a Building in the Florida Facilities Pool;

    4263. Use sticks or poles in any indoor portion of a Building in the Florida Facilities Pool which includes, but is not limited to, attachment to cardboard signs, placards, and flags; or

    4584. Hold any hand-held signs in any indoor portion of a Building in the Florida Facilities Pool that exceed 22478ꞌꞌ by 28ꞌꞌ in size.

    483This limitation on signage does not prohibit expression of viewpoints on items attached to one’s person, such as t-shirts, buttons, and the like, provided such items comply with any other applicable requirements of this rule chapter.

    519(d) Prohibited Types of Expression. Types of expression that are otherwise prohibited by law, such as obscenity (537see, e.g539., §§ 541847.001, 542.0133, Florida Statutes), expression that incites violence or uses fighting words (554see, e.g., 556§ 557877.03, 558Florida Statutes), or defamatory or threatening speech (566see, e.g., 568§ 569836.05, 570Florida Statutes) are prohibited at any Building in the Florida Facilities Pool.

    582(e) Solicitation Prohibited. All persons are prohibited from offering items or services for sale, or soliciting fares, alms, or contributions, in any Building in the Florida Facilities Pool, unless otherwise authorized by law.

    615(f) Damage to Buildings in the Florida Facilities Pool. Any person(s) using a Building in the Florida Facilities Pool will be responsible for all costs, expenses, damages, liabilities, claims, or suits resulting from such use.

    650(g) Removal. The Department, the Governmental Entity occupying the space, or the Capitol Police (where the Capitol Police have jurisdiction), may cause to be removed those violating this rule chapter or any other law after communication of such violation to the violator and an opportunity to cure the violation. If the Department or Capitol Police determines the need to remove violators from spaces occupied by the Legislature, or a unit thereof, the Department or Capitol Police shall first receive approval from the Sergeant at Arms of the applicable chamber unless there is an emergency that poses a 747danger to public safety751.

    752Rulemaking Authority 754255.249(9), 755255.503(11) FS. 757Law 758Implemented 759255.249(1), 760255.045, 761255.503(2), 762272.03 FS. 764History–New 8-1-78, Formerly 13D-5.07, 13M-9.011, Amended 1-9-96, 3-2-17, 3-1-23.