60L-33.0032. Shared Employment  

Effective on Sunday, January 26, 2014
  • 1(1) Agencies shall identify a shared employment position as a single position, which will retain its unity for purposes of classification, assignment to a pay band, and other personnel transactions that apply to the position.

    36(2) An agency may designate a position for shared employment under the following circumstances.

    50(a) When a new position is established or an existing position becomes vacant, the agency shall review the position to determine whether two or more employees could perform the responsibilities of the position as adequately, or more adequately, than a single employee.

    92(b) Upon the written request or consent of an incumbent, the agency shall evaluate the incumbent’s position for suitability for shared employment and, upon a favorable evaluation, the agency may appoint the incumbent to the shared employment position with the same status as was held in the full-time position.

    141(3) Once a position is designated as a shared position, the agency shall not designate it as full-time unless it becomes vacant, the incumbent(s) is given a minimum of ninety calendar days notice, or the incumbent(s) agrees to the action in writing.

    183(4) Employees filling shared employment positions are subject to the provisions of the personnel rules governing part-time employees.

    201Rulemaking Authority 203110.1055, 204110.201(1), 205110.21(5) FS. 207Law Implemented 209110.201, 210110.21 FS. 212History–New 1-1-02, Amended 4-3-03, 1-26-14.


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