60L-35.005. Selected Exempt Service.  

Effective on Thursday, June 19, 2008
  • 1(1) Agencies shall comply with this performance evaluation rule when reviewing and evaluating the performance of Selected Exempt Service employees covered by collective bargaining agreements.

    26(a) Upon original appointment to a position with significantly different job duties or responsibilities, the rater shall timely conduct a performance planning session with the employee.

    52(b) Agencies may also incorporate any elements that the agency head deems appropriate for evaluating performance in relationship to the requirements of the position filled by the employee, so long as such elements do not conflict with this rule.

    91(2) In accordance with Section 96110.605(1)(b), F.S., 98agencies shall develop their own respective performance evaluation system for reviewing and evaluating the performance of all other Selected Exempt Service employees.

    120Rulemaking Authority 122110.1055, 123110.605(1) FS. 125Law Implemented 127110.1245(2)(b), 128110.605(1)(b) FS. 130History–New 6-19-08.


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