Florida Administrative Code (Last Updated: November 11, 2024) |
60. Department of Management Services |
60T. Division of Retirement - Local Retirement |
60T-1. Local Retirement Systems |
1(1) Each plan sponsor shall on its own or through the administrator or trustees of the plan have an actuarial report prepared for each of its defined benefit retirement plans or systems by an enrolled actuary at least every three (3) years commencing from the date of the last actuarial report of the plan or system on October 1, 1980, if no actuarial report has been issued within the three year period prior to October 1, 1979. In addition, actuarial cost determinations recommending the contribution amount, rate or other basis applicable to periods for which an actuarial valuation has not been specifically prepared are to be also provided to the Division within 60 days of receipt by the plan administrator. No actuarial report is required for defined contribution retirement plans or systems. However, the plan sponsor of each defined contribution plan shall provide such information and financial statements, as are necessary to gather, catalog, and maintain complete information on all public employee retirement systems to the Division upon its request.
171(2) The results of each actuarial report shall be filed with the plan administrator within 60 days after completion and certification by the actuary and made available for inspection upon request. Also, the system or plan shall provide a copy of each actuarial report to the Division within 60 days of receipt from the actuary.
226(3) Actuarial reports shall contain all data required by Section 236112.63(1), F.S., 238which consist of the following:
243(a) The values of the present assets, based on market value and “statement value”:
260Other (specify)
262Disclose the derivation of the actuarial asset value used in determining the annual funding requirement.
277(b) A plan to amortize any unfunded liability pursuant to Section 288112.64, F.S.
290(c) A schedule illustrating the amortization of unfunded liabilities as they exist on the date of the valuation, on an annual basis for the three years immediately following the current valuation date and the final year of the amortization schedule must be disclosed, as well as a statement as to how the method was derived.
345(d) A description of actions taken by the governmental entity to reduce the unfunded liability, especially those taken since the last actuarial report.
368(e) A description and explanation of all actuarial assumptions.
377(f) A comparative review illustrating the rates of salary increases granted and investment return realized over the three-year period preceding the current actuarial report with the assumptions used. The actual salary increase rate may be determined for the period between the immediately preceding actuarial valuation date and the current valuation date; however, such rate shall be shown on an annualized basis. Rate of actual salary increases shall be determined by using the aggregate of actual salary increases granted, excluding new entrants and terminations. Investment return rates shall be determined for each year and reported on a consistent basis for each year in the three-year period. There should also be an explanation of how the investment return rate was determined.
496(g) A statement by the enrolled actuary, in the form of a certification signed and dated by the actuary, as follows:
517Statement by Enrolled Actuary “This actuarial valuation and/or cost determination was prepared and completed by me or under my direct supervision, and I acknowledge responsibility for the results. To the best of my knowledge, the results are complete and accurate, and in my opinion, the techniques and assumptions used are reasonable and meet the requirements and intent of Part VII, Chapter 112, Florida Statutes. There is no benefit or expense to be provided by the plan and/or paid from the plan’s assets for which liabilities or current costs have not been established or otherwise taken into account in the valuation. All known events or trends which may require a material increase in plan costs or required contribution rates have been taken into account in the valuation.”
648Enrollment Number
650(4) Actuarial valuation reports shall, at a minimum, disclose such information that another actuary, unfamiliar with the situation, would find the information sufficient to appraise the reports’ conclusions and to arrive at reasonably similar results. In order for the Division to determine the completeness, accuracy, and reasonableness of the assumptions, such information shall, at a minimum, include the following items:
710(a) The date as of which the valuation was prepared, and the beginning and ending dates of the period for which the recommended contributions are applicable.
736(b) The overall valuation results, the adequacy of employer and employee contribution rates in meeting the levels of employee benefits provided in the system and changes, if any, needed in such rates to achieve or preserve a level of funding deemed adequate to enable payment through the indefinite future of the benefit amounts prescribed by the system.
793(c) A brief summary of the retirement plan provisions.
802(d) The funding method explained in sufficient detail so that another actuary could, using the same method, arrive at similar results.
823(e) For actuarial valuation reports which cover more than one employee group, benefit program, and/or more than one plan, and the valuation calculations are made separately, the applicable valuation results shall be disclosed separately.
857(f) Disclosure of any benefit and expense to be provided by the plan and/or paid from the plan’s assets for which no liabilities or current costs have been established or otherwise provided for, including an explanation of the omission and the cost effect thereof.
901(g) Disclosure of any event which the actuary has not taken into account and any trend which, for purposes of the actuarial assumptions used, was not assumed to continue in the future, but only if, to the best of the actuary’s knowledge, such event or trend may require a material increase in plan costs or required contribution rates.
959(h) Disclosure, for each plan year, of the derivation of the current unfunded actuarial accrued liability from the amount established as of the immediately preceding valuation date. (Unfunded actuarial accrued liabilities are amortized by nonemployee contributions in excess of normal cost and interest requirements.) The disclosure shall, minimally, include the following:
10101. Total unfunded actuarial accrued liability for the immediately prior actuarial valuation date (state date)1025$______
10262. Plan sponsor normal cost for this plan year1035$______
10363. Interest accrued on 1. and 2.1043$______
10444. Plan sponsor contributions for this plan year (including amounts expected to be paid)1058$______
10595. Interest on 4.1063$______
10646. Changes due to a. + b. + c. + d1075.1076$______
1077a. assumptions1079$______
1080b. funding method1083$______
1084c. plan amendments1087$______
1088d. actuarial gain/loss1091$______
10927. Total current unfunded actuarial accrued liability 1. + 2. + 3. - 4. - 5. + 6.1110$______
1111(i) Demographic and financial statistics on the members (active, terminated with rights to deferred benefits, and retired and beneficiaries) in the retirement system including but not limited to an age and service distribution table for active members. This section shall provide a reconciliation between current data and data in the most recent state approved valuation of the active, terminated with rights to deferred benefits, and retired membership (and beneficiaries). (A projection of emerging liabilities/cash flow needs for the next 10-15 years would be beneficial.)
1195(j) An annual reconciliation of the plan’s assets from the balance determined as of the immediately preceding valuation date to the balance as of the current valuation date. If the reconciliation is done on a basis other than that used for annual funding requirements, the reconciliation shall show the dollar relationship to actuarial value of assets as used in determining the annual funding requirements. The reconciliation should show separately, at a minimum:
1267Contributions by source
1270Interest and dividends
1273Realized gains (losses)
1276Increase (decrease) in unrealized appreciation, if applicable (net)
1284Pension payments
1286Contribution refunds
1289Other receipts (identify)
1292Other disbursements (identify)
1295(k) The amount of active members accumulated contributions (with interest, if provided by plan).
1309(l) A comparative summary of principal valuation results, essentially in the following format:
1328(Not a required format – to be used as a guide only)
1340Actuarial Valuation Prepared as of
13451. Participant Data1348Current Date 1350Prior Date
1352Active members1354#_________ 1355#_______
1356Total annual payroll1359$_________ 1360$_______
1361Retired members and beneficiaries (other than disabled)1368#_________ 1369#_______
1370Total annualized benefit1373$_________ 1374$_______
1375Disabled members receiving benefits1379#_________ 1380#_______
1381Total annualized benefit1384$_________ 1385$_______
1386Terminated vested members1389#_________ 1390#_______
1391Total annualized benefit1394$_________ 1395$_______
13962. Assets
1398Actuarial value of assets1402$_________ 1403$_______
1404Market value of assets1408$_________ 1409$_______
14103. Liabilities
1412Present value of all future expected benefit payments:
1420Active members
1422Retirement benefits1424$_________ 1425$_______
1426Vesting benefits1428$_________ 1429$_______
1430Disability benefits1432$_________ 1433$_______
1434Death benefits1436$_________ 1437$_______
1438Return of contribution1441$_________ 1442$_______
1443Total1444$_________ 1445$_______
1446Terminated vested members1449$_________ 1450$_______
1451Retired members and beneficiaries:
1455Retired (other than disabled) and beneficiaries1461$_________ 1462$_______
1463Disabled members1465$_________ 1466$_______
1467Total1468$_________ 1469$_______
1470Total present value of all future expected benefit 1478$_________
1479Payments1480$_________ 1481$_______
1482Liabilities due and unpaid1486$_________ 1487$_______
1488*Actuarial accrued liability1491$_________ 1492$_______
1493*Unfunded actuarial1495$_________ 1496$_______
1497accrued liability
1499*Refers to liabilities not
1503funded by future normal
1507cost contributions. Show
1510amount, date and
1513amortization period at
1516establishment, and current
1519amount of each such
1523liability not amortized
15264. Actuarial present value
1530of accrued benefits (to be
1535determined in accordance
1538with a. and b. below)
1543Statement of actuarial
1546present value of all accrued
1552Vested accrued benefits1555$_________ 1556$_______
1557Inactive members
1559and beneficiaries1561$_________ 1562$_______
1563Active members1565$_________ 1566$_______
1567(includes nonforfeitable
1569accumulated member
1571contributions in the
1574amount of __)1577$_________ 1578$_______
1579Total value of all vested1584$_________ 1585$_______
1586accrued benefits
1588Non-vested accrued benefits1591$_________ 1592$_______
1593Total actuarial present value1597$_________ 1598$_______
1599of all accrued benefits
1603Statement of changes in
1607total actuarial present value
1611of all accrued benefits
1615Actuarial present value of
1619accrued benefits at
1622beginning of year1625$_________
1626Increase (decrease) during
1629year attributable to (where
1634Plan amendment1636$_________
1637Changes in actuarial1640$_________
1642Increase for interest and1646$_________
1647probability of payment due
1651to decrease in discount
1655period and benefits accrued
1659Benefits paid1661$_________
1662Other changes (identify and state amount)1668$_________
1669Net increase (decrease)1672$_________
1673Actuarial present value of 1677$_________
1678accrued benefits at end of year
1684a. Accrued benefits are those future promised benefits that are determined in accordance with the plan’s provisions based on the service members have rendered to the actuarial valuation date. Accrued benefits are those payable under all applicable plan circumstances – retirement, death, disability, and termination of employment – to the extent they are deemed attributable to member service rendered to the valuation date. Benefits to be provided by insured contracts for which the plan sponsor has no future liability and which are excluded from plan assets are to be excluded from plan benefits.
1777b. All determinations are to be on a consistent basis. Any change is to be disclosed, together with an explanation. The exhibit entries for the actuarial valuation date as of which a change is made shall show the entries on a before and after change basis.
18235. Pension cost (specify applicable funding period)
1830Normal cost (show cost for each benefit if so calculated1840$_________ 1841$_______
1842and amount for administrative expenses, if applicable)
1849Payment to amortize1852$_________ 1853$_______
1854unfunded liability
1856Expected plan sponsor contribution (including normal cost,1863$_________ 1864$_______
1865amortization payment and interest, as applicable)
1871As % of payroll1875__________% 1876________%
1877Amount to be contributed by members1883$_________ 1884$_______
1885As % of payroll1889__________% 1890________%
18916. Past contributions
1894For each plan year since last
1901Required plan sponsor1904$_________ 1905$_______
1907Required member1909$_________ 1910$_______
1912Actual contributions made
1916Plan’s sponsor1918$_________ 1919$_______
1920Members1921$_________ 1922$_______
1923Other (e.g., Chapters 175 or 185, F.S.)1930$_________ 1931$_______
19327. Net actuarial gain (loss) (if applicable)1939$_________ 1940$_______
19418. Other disclosures (where applicable)
1946Present value of active
1951Future salaries
1953at attained age1956$_________ 1957$_______
1958at entry age1961$_________ 1962$_______
1963Future contributions
1965at attained age1968$_________ 1969$_______
1970at entry age1973$_________ 1974$_______
1975Present value of future1979$_________ 1980$_______
1981contributions from other
1984sources (identify)
1986Present value of future1990$_________ 1991$_______
1992expected benefit payments
1995for active members at entry age
2001(5) The actuarial cost methods utilized for establishing the amount of the annual actuarial normal cost to support the promised benefits shall only be those methods approved in the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, and as permitted under regulations prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury.
2049The funding method utilized for the actuarial report and the resulting recommendation for contributions required to fund the retirement plan shall minimally provide a contribution sufficient to meet the normal cost and to amortize the unfunded liability, if any, in accordance with Section 2092112.64, F.S.
2094(6) Actuarial assumptions selected for the actuarial valuation report should reflect the actuary’s best judgment of future events. They should take into account the actual experience of the covered group. The actuary should consider the impact of inflation on appropriate assumptions. The preferred approach in selecting actuarial assumptions is the use of explicit assumptions which more nearly represent the actuary’s best estimates of anticipated plan experience under each assumption. Actuarial assumptions which consistently generate experience gains or losses are prima facie indications of unreasonable actuarial assumptions.
2180(7) Whenever an actuarial valuation is based on actuarial assumptions or cost methods different from those used in the preceding valuation, the current valuation must clearly indicate the effect on projected liabilities and costs resulting from the new assumptions and/or funding methods.
2222(8) Administrative expenses paid from the funds being accumulated to support the promised benefits shall be paid on a current basis in addition to the annual funding costs otherwise determined.
2252(9) Annual funding costs or cost contribution rates determined as of a valuation date but to be paid at a later date or applicable to a period beginning at a later date are to be appropriately adjusted to reflect the intervening time interval. The adjustment shall provide for, but not be limited to, adjustments to account for interest and/or salary increase, as appropriate.
2315(10) Recommended changes in contributions or contribution rates determined as of a valuation date shall be effective not later than the first of the next fiscal year following the valuation date.
2346(11) Unless otherwise indicated or contrary to Chapter 112, F.S., all actuarial procedures and determinations are to be in accordance with commonly accepted procedures and determinations. Internal Revenue Service publications should be used as the standard.
2382Rulemaking Authority 2384112.665(1) FS. 2386Law Implemented 2388112.63 FS. 2390History–New 5-6-81, Amended 9-19-83, 8-15-84, Formerly 22D-1.03, Amended 11-14-91, Formerly 22D-1.003, Amended 2-23-95, 7-16-15.