60W-4.006. Supplemental Benefits Payable After Termination  

Effective on Tuesday, February 4, 1986
  • 1A participant whose employment is terminated for any reason other than death, or retirement from the Institute with immediate commencement of supplemental benefits, shall be subject to the following provisions:

    31(1) If he or she had less than 10 years of creditable service with the Institute at the time of his or her termination, he or she shall not be entitled to supplemental benefits under this chapter; or

    69(2) If his or her termination of employment from the Institute is prior to meeting the age requirements for Civil Service Optional (deferred) Retirement (age 62 with 5 years service, age 60 with 20 years service, or age 55 with 30 years service), and he or she will not be immediately eligible for a Civil Service benefit, and he or she does not return to employment with the Institute for sufficient time to qualify him for eligibility for Civil Service retirement immediately upon a subsequent termination, he or she shall not be entitled to supplemental benefits under this chapter; or

    169(3) If he or she had not attained age 62 at the time of his or her termination, but was otherwise eligible for a supplemental benefit as provided in Rule 19960W-4.003, 200F.A.C., he or she shall be eligible, upon attaining age 62 and proper application, to receive a monthly supplemental benefit based on his or her average final compensation and creditable service as of his or her date of termination from the Institute, and computed in accordance with Rule 24860W-4.004, 249F.A.C.

    250Rulemaking Authority 252121.40(13) FS. 254Law Implemented 256121.40 FS. 258History–New 2-4-86, Formerly 22Q-4.006.