61-24.012. Application Process

Effective on Tuesday, October 10, 2017
  • 1An individual seeking to become a licensed athlete agent shall submit a completed “Application for Licensure as an Athlete Agent,” form number DBPR AA-4101, as incorporated by reference in subsection 3261-35.004(1), 33F.A.C., together with all fees as set forth in Rule 4361-24.004, 44F.A.C. The application forms can be obtained by writing to the Department of Business and Professional Regulation, 2601 Blair Stone Road, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0767, by telephoning (850)487-1395 during regular business hours or by picking them up at the aforementioned address.

    84Rulemaking Authority 86468.457 FS. 88Law Implemented 90468.453 FS. 92History–New 7-31-96, Amended 6-9-03, 10-10-17.


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