61-6.004. Reactivation  

Effective on Monday, April 3, 1995
  • 1(1) A delinquent status licensee may apply for active or inactive status any time during the biennial licensure cycle. As defined by rule of the board, or the Department when there is no board, a complete application, the renewal fee, and a delinquent fee shall be required. The license of a delinquent licensee that does not achieve active or inactive status before the end of the current biennial licensure period shall be null, and subsequent licensure will require meeting all the requirements for initial licensure.

    86(2) A licensee who has inactive status may reactivate at any time by notifying the Department of his/her desire to do so, completing the appropriate form(s), and by paying the current required fees set by appropriate rule, and meeting any other conditions imposed by the board, or Department when there is no board, as required in Section 143455.271, F.S.

    145Specific Authority 147455.203(5) FS149. 150Law Implemented 152455.203, 153455.271 154FS. History–New 10-29-80, Formerly 21-6.11, 21-6.011, Amended 4-3-95.


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