61D-14.052. Electronic Identification and Access Control System  

Effective on Tuesday, May 30, 2017
  • 1(1) A slot machine licensee shall utilize an electronic identification and access control system for its employees and employees of its vendors that shall be used to open doors to controlled areas of the slot machine licensee’s facility. The electronic identification and access control system shall:

    47(a) Provide a clear color photograph identification card or badge for all employees of the slot machine licensee or employees of its vendors;

    70(b) The identification card shall be color coded or provide an alpha or numeric symbol to indicate which areas of the slot machine licensee’s facility the employee is authorized to enter; and,

    102(c) The photograph and color code or symbol required by these rules shall be unique to the slot machine licensee’s facility and shall be of sufficient size and clarity to allow the surveillance system to observe the photograph and identify the employee to confirm his or her authorized access to the area under surveillance.

    156(2) The electronic identification and access control system shall be capable of immediately creating an event log of doors opened by use of the identification card or badge upon the request of the security or surveillance departments, or the division. The system shall:

    199(a) Be able to display a photograph of the employee opening any door; and,

    213(b) Cause an alarm to alert the security and surveillance departments, 224which would then notify 228the division, if a door is opened:

    2351. Without the use of an identification card, or

    2442. With an identification card that is not programmed to open the door.

    257(3) The division shall be provided access to any data contained in the electronic identification and access control system.

    276Rulemaking Authority 278551.103(1), 279551.122 FS. 281Law Implemented 283551.103(1)(g), 284(i), 285551.104(4)(h) FS. 287History–New 6-25-06, Amended 5-30-17.


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