61D-6.001. Purpose for Rules; Definitions Related to Drugs and Medications  

Effective on Wednesday, April 12, 2006
  • 1(1) The purpose of these rules related to Medication, Drugs and Sampling is to protect the integrity of horse racing, jai alai games and greyhound racing, to protect the welfare of the animal, and to safeguard the interest of the public and racing participants through the control of all medications, drugs, and substances foreign to or in excess of the natural physiology of the animal.

    66(2) In construing these rules, the following definitions shall apply:

    76(a) “Bleeders’ List” means a list of horses maintained by the division that exhibit exercise induced pulmonary hemorrhage.

    94(b) “Furosemide (Salix) List” means the division’s official list of racing horses approved for racing with furosemide in Florida.

    113(c) “Legend drug” means a drug or medication which requires a prescription under federal law.

    128(d) “Proprietary drug” means a patent or over-the-counter medicine which is sold to the public by, or under the authority of, the manufacturer or primary distributor thereof and which is not misbranded under the provisions of the Florida Drug and Cosmetic Act (Chapter 499, Florida Statutes).

    174(e) “Veterinarian’s list” means a list maintained by the track veterinarian which contains the name of any racing horse or racing greyhound which the veterinarian considers unfit, unsound or not ready for racing.

    207(f) “Sulfa drugs” means sulfa and sulfa-like antimicrobial medications and their metabolites, including but not limited to sulfadiazine, sulfamethazine, sulfadimethozine, sulfadimethoxine, sulfametranidazole, sulfapyridine, sulfathiazole, sulfamethoxazole, trimethoprim and pyrimethamine.

    235Specific Authority 237550.0251(3), 238550.2415(13) FS. 240Law Implemented 242550.0251, 243550.2415 FS. 245History–New 10-20-96, Amended 6-6-00, 4-12-06.


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