61G1-23.050. Responsible Supervising Control Over Interior Design Practice Outside of the Registered Interior Designer's Office  

Effective on Tuesday, February 17, 2015
  • 1A registered interior designer may seal and sign any documents, instruments of service, specifications, reports or other work which requires the seal and signature of a registered interior designer prepared outside of the registered interior designer’s office, so long as all of the procedures set forth below are met.

    50(1) The registered interior designer accepts professional responsibility for all interior design activities of a project performed outside of the registered interior designer’s office throughout design development, and the production of all documents and instruments of service. The registered interior designer shall prepare and maintain as evidence of the registered interior designer’s continuing effort in such work, written calculations, correspondence, time records, check prints, telephone logs, site visit logs or research done for the project and shall provide such evidence to state or local authorities upon their request.

    138(2) The registered interior designer maintains written documentation that the registered interior designer has personally supervised the preparation of all documents and instruments of service, reviewed all project data, personally inspected the project site and entered into a written agreement with the persons preparing the documents accepting professional responsibility for such work.

    190(3) The registered interior designer makes certain, if the work which the registered interior designer intends to seal and sign, has been prepared by another person outside the registered interior designer’s office, that whenever such final work is submitted to a client, building owner or building user, the registered interior designer is present during such submissions in order to respond to questions from the client, owner or user. The registered interior designer must maintain written minutes of such a submission meeting.

    271(4) If a registered interior designer fails to maintain written documentation of the items set forth in subsections (1)-(3) above, then the registered interior designer shall be considered to be in violation of Sections 305481.221(7), F.S., 307and the registered interior designer shall be subject to disciplinary penalties as provided in paragraph 32261G1-12.004(2)(c), 323F.A.C., “Plan Stamping.”

    326Rulemaking Authority 328481.2055, 329481.221(7) FS. 331Law Implemented 333481.221(7), 334481.2551 FS. History–New 8-21-95, Amended 2-17-15.


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