61G1-25.003. Certification Qualifications for Threshold Building Inspectors  

Effective on Monday, April 21, 2014
  • 1(1) The minimum qualifying criteria for threshold building inspectors established by the Board shall be as follows:

    18(a) Proof of current licensure in good standing as an architect in the State of Florida.

    34(b) Three years of experience in performing structural field inspections on at least three threshold type buildings, obtained within ten calendar years preceding submission of the application and evidenced by letters of recommendation from three architects or engineers in the State of Florida, one of whom must be certified as a threshold building inspector.

    88(c) Self-certification as to the competency of the applicant to perform structural inspections on threshold buildings.

    104(2) Application for certification shall be made on an application prescribed by the Department.

    118(3) Roster of Threshold Building Inspectors. The Board shall maintain a roster of all Florida licensed/registered architects certified as threshold building inspectors pursuant to the criteria established in these rules and the law. The roster shall be made available to interested parties upon request. The roster shall be updated on a continuing basis and additions or deletions to the latest published roster may be verified by contacting the Florida Board of Architecture and Interior Design.

    193Rulemaking Authority 195481.2055, 196481.213(7) FS. 198Law Implemented 200481.207, 201481.213(7) FS. 203History–New 5-23-01, Amended 4-21-14.


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