62-341.492. Noticed General Permit for Prospecting (Transferred)  

Effective on Sunday, September 4, 2005
  • 1A general permit is hereby granted for prospecting for limestone, sand, and peat provided that all of the following conditions are met:

    23(1) Prospecting is conducted by coring, augering, impact boring or other techniques designed to remove samples from an excavated opening less than one foot in diameter.

    49(2) No prospecting is conducted below the ordinary or mean high water line of natural water bodies such as natural lakes, ponds, streams, rivers, estuaries or lagoons.

    76(3) Prospecting in wetlands must meet the following conditions:

    85(a) No activities shall be conducted in Outstanding Florida Waters, Aquatic Preserves, Class I waters, Class II waters, waters which are classified by the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services as approved, restricted, conditionally approved or conditionally restricted for shellfish harvesting in Rule 1295L-1.003, 130F.A.C., or wetlands used by endangered or threatened species designated in Rules 14268A-27.003 143and 14468A-27.004, 145F.A.C., or 50 Code of Federal Regulations, Section 15317.12. 154For purposes of this permit, a wetland is used by endangered or threatened species if reasonable scientific judgment indicates that the wetland provides habitat in which endangered or threatened species engage in activities such as resting, feeding, breeding, nesting or denning.

    195(b) No above-grade roads shall be constructed. Vehicles used for prospecting in wetlands shall be of a type generating minimum ground pressure to minimize rutting and other environmental impacts. Disturbed areas along each prospecting line shall be restored to original contours upon completion of prospecting activities along that specific alignment.

    245(c) Disturbances within wetlands shall be no wider than 15 feet along any portion of the prospect line, except at the immediate site of the drill hole. At the immediate site of the drill hole the disturbance shall not exceed 25 feet. No debris or spoil shall be placed outside these limits.

    297(d) Prospecting lines shall be aligned to minimize wetland impacts and avoid the destruction of mature wetland trees to the greatest extent practicable.

    320(e) All drill tailings shall be returned to the drill hole and the excess removed so that no spoil material is left above grade in a wetland.

    347(f) If the removal or cutting of vegetation is required, there shall be a minimum interval of 300 feet between individual parallel prospecting lines. The removal of vegetation shall not include grubbing, or the pulling or pushing up of root systems.

    388(g) Any wetland disturbed by prospecting activities shall be restored by replanting native indigenous vegetation of the same species as were displaced. Exotic species such as Schinus terebinthifolius, Melaleuca quinquenervia, and Casuarina spp., and nuisance species Typha spp., and Ludwigia peruviana shall be controlled at densities not exceeding the densities of these species in undisturbed portions of the wetland.

    447(h) Turbidity and erosion control measures such as earthen berms, hay bales, temporary swales, filter cloth, turbidity screens, and temporary seeding, sodding, and mulching shall be utilized, as necessary, to prevent violation of state water quality standards beyond the limits of the prospecting line.

    491Specific Authority 493373.026(7), 494373.043, 495373.118, 496373.406(5), 497373.414(9), 498373.418, 499403.805(1) FS. 501Law Implemented 503373.118, 504373.406(5), 505373.413, 506373.414(9), 507373.416, 508373.418, 509373.426 FS. 511History–New 9-4-05.


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