64B-9.003. Military Spouse Temporary License  

Effective on Wednesday, March 19, 2014
  • 1To obtain a temporary license to practice in Florida for 12 months in any health care profession, an eligible spouse of any active duty member of the Armed Forces must complete a criminal history check, hold a valid license in another jurisdiction, establish eligibility to take the appropriate examination and entitlement to full licensure under the appropriate practice act, and otherwise comply with Section 65456.024(3), F.S., 67by submitting a completed “Temporary License for Spouses of Active Duty Members of the Armed Forces Application” on the incorporated by reference form DH-MQA 1251, 08/13, at 94http://www.flrules.o95r96g/Gateway/reference.asp?No=Ref-03888, 98which also may be obtained from the Department at 107http://doh.state.fl.u108s109/mqa/app_temp_Lic_Military_Spouses.pdf 110or by writing to 114the Department of Health, Division of Medical Quality Assurance, 4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin C-01, Tallahassee, FL 32399.

    132Rulemaking Authority 134456.004(5), 135456.024(3) FS. 137Law Implemented 139456.024(3) FS. 141History–New 4-15-12, Amended 3-19-14.


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