64B11-4.004. Notice of Noncompliance  

Effective on Sunday, August 3, 2014
  • 1(1) For purposes of subsection 6456.073(3), F.S., 8the Board finds the following first time minor offenses, where there is no danger to public health, safety, and welfare and no indication of a serious inability to practice the profession, appropriate for notices of noncompliance:

    44(a) Failure to timely notify the Board of a change of address as required by Rule 6064B11-4.007, 61F.A.C.;

    62(b) Unintentional violation of paragraph 67456.072(1)(h), F.S., 69by submitting a worthless check or electronic payment to the Department or Board;

    82(c) Overcharging a patient or patient’s legal representative for medical records;

    93(d) Failure to timely pay fines and costs; and

    102(e) Advertising violations.

    105(2) Failure of a licensee to take corrective action within 15 days after notice may result in disciplinary proceedings, as provided in Section 128468.217, F.S.

    130Rulemaking Authority 132456.073(3), 133468.204 FS. 135Law Implemented 137456.073(3), FS. 139History–New 9-3-90, Formerly 21M-15.004, 61F6-15.004, 59R-63.004, Amended 6-11-02, 8-3-14.


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