64B2-16.002. Probable Cause Determination  

Effective on Tuesday, November 25, 2014
  • 1(1) The determination as to whether probable cause exists to believe that a violation of the provisions of Chapter 456 or 460, F.S., or of the rules promulgated thereunder has occurred shall be made by a panel of two (2) Panel members appointed by the chairman, at least one of which shall be a current member of the Board. The chairman may appoint a former chiropractic Board member to serve on the probable cause panel in lieu of a current member of the Board.

    85(2) Reconsideration of probable cause in any given case shall be performed by the members of the panel who initially found probable cause in that case. Whenever the original panel members are not available current members of the panel shall hear the reconsideration.

    128Rulemaking Authority 130460.405, 131456.073(4) FS. 133Law Implemented 135456.073(4) FS. 137History–New 1-10-80, Amended 3-15-81, Formerly 21D-16.02, Amended 4-26-93, Formerly 21D-16.002, 61F2-16.002, Amended 7-18-95, Formerly 59N-16.002, Amended 11-25-14.


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