64B7-30.005. Mediation  

Effective on Monday, April 16, 2018
  • 1Pursuant to Section 4456.078, F.S., 6the Board designates first time violations of the following as appropriate for mediation:

    19(1) Violation of Section 23480.0465, F.S.25: failure to include license number in an advertisement.

    34(2) Violation of Section 38480.047(1)(a) 39or Section 41480.046(1)(f) 42or (k), F.S.: practicing or allowing another person to practice on a delinquent license for 60 days or less.

    61(3) Violation of Section 65480.046(1)(n), F.S., 67if the violation did not present an immediate threat to public health.

    79(4) Violation of Section 83480.046(1)(o), F.S.85: practicing at an establishment with a license delinquent 60 days or less.

    98(5) Violation of Section 102456.072(1)(i), F.S.104: failure to report a licensee known to be in violation.

    115(6) Violation of Section 119456.072(1)(k), F.S.121: failure to perform a legal obligation.

    128(7) Violation of Section 132456.072(1)(u), F.S.134: failure to comply with Sections 140381.026 141and 142381.0261, F.S.

    144(8) Violation of Section 148456.072(1)(x), F.S.150: failure to report convictions to the Board.

    158(9) Violation of Rule 16264B7-28.008, 163F.A.C.: failure to display a license or certificate.

    171(10) Violation of Rule 17564B7-26.003(4), 176F.A.C.: failure to maintain insurance coverage.

    182(11) Violation of  Section 186456.035(1), F.S.188: failure to notify change of address.

    195(12) Violation of Section 199456.072(1)(t), F.S.201: failure to properly identify licensee.

    207Rulemaking Authority 209456.078 FS. 211Law Implemented 213456.078 FS. 215History–New 1-2-95, Amended 4-21-97, Formerly 61G11-30.005, Amended 12-19-04, 5-15-13, 4-12-16, 4-16-18.


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