64B8-15.002. Introduction  

Effective on Wednesday, July 13, 2022
  • 1In order to determine reasonable comparability between the medical education programs of foreign medical schools seeking certification and accredited medical schools in the United States, the Department shall employ the standards published by the Liaison Committee on Medical Education (LCME), known as 43Functions and Structure of a Medical School, 50(October 2021) which is hereby incorporated by reference and available at 61https://www.flrules.org/Gateway/reference.asp?No=Ref-14415, 63https//lcme.org/publications/, as a basis for Florida’s certification program.

    71Rulemaking Authority 73458.309, 74458.314(4) FS. 76Law Implemented 78458.314 FS. 80History–New 8-24-87, Formerly 21M-42.002, 61F6-42.002, 59R-15.002, Amended 3-3-13, 7-13-22.