64B8-30.006. Dispensing Drugs  

Effective on Sunday, March 26, 2006
  • 1Only those physician assistants authorized by law and rule to prescribe shall be permitted to dispense sample drugs to patients. Dispensing of sample drugs to patients shall be permitted only when no charge is made to the patient or a third party for the service or the drugs and if the sample being dispensed could otherwise have been legally prescribed by the physician assistant. This rule shall not be construed to prohibit a physician assistant employed in a county health department from ordering and providing patients with prepackaged and prelabeled drugs in accordance with Section 96154.04(1)(c), F.S.

    98Specific Authority 100458.309, 101458.347 FS. 103Law Implemented 105458.347 FS. 107History–New 7-25-95, Formerly 59R-30.006, Amended 3-26-06.


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