64B9-1.013. Address of Record and Place of Practice

Effective on Monday, April 5, 1999
  • 1(1) Each person holding a license issued pursuant to Chapter 464, F.S., must maintain on file with the Board of Nursing the current address at which any notice required by law may be served by the Board or its agent. Within 60 days of changing this address, whether or not within this state, the licensee shall notify the Board in writing of the new address at which the licensee may be served with notices or other documents.

    78(2) Each person holding a license issued pursuant to Chapter 464, F.S., must maintain on file with the Board of Nursing the current place of practice. Place of practice is defined as one of the following:

    114(a) Acute care facility;

    118(b) Long-term care facility;

    122(c) Rehabilitation facility;

    125(d) Clinic;

    127(e) Physician’s office;

    130(f) Home health care agency;

    135(g) Educational institution;

    138(h) Office of independent nursing practice;

    144(i) Correctional facility;

    147(j) Mental health facility;

    151(k) Occupational health facility;

    155(l) Managed health care organization or insurance company;

    163(m) Community health facility;

    167(n) Other.

    169Specific Authority 171456.035 FS. 173Law Implemented 175456.035 FS. 177History–New 4-1-90, Amended 8-8-90, Formerly 21O-6.023, 61F7-1.013, 59S-1.013, Amended 4-5-99.


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