64E-5.509. Veterinary Medicine X-Ray Operations  

Effective on Tuesday, April 4, 1989
  • 1(1) Applicable Regulations. Veterinary medical x-ray operations shall conform with requirements of the following sections of these regulations:

    19(a) Rule 2164E-5.502, 22F.A.C., General Requirements, except subparagraphs 2764E-5.502(1)(a)5., 286., 7., 8., F.A.C.

    32(b) Rule 3464E-5.503, 35F.A.C., General Requirements for all Diagnostic X-Ray Systems.

    43(c) Rule 4564E-5.504, 46F.A.C., Fluoroscopic X-Ray Systems.

    50(2) Additional Requirements.

    53(a) Positive means of beam alignment shall be provided in the form of accurate linear rulings, beam defining or beam centering lights, optical viewing devices or the equivalent. Such alignment means or devices shall be adjusted to indicate the beam center or beam area to within 2 percent of the SID.

    104(b) Means shall be provided to limit the useful beam to the area of diagnostic interest or to the area of the image receptor used in each particular case. Beam limitation may be accomplished by any of the means described in subsection 14664E-5.505(1), 147F.A.C.

    148(c) Each x-ray system shall be equipped with a device which will terminate the exposure after a preset time or exposure.

    169(d) Each exposure switch shall be of the dead-man type.

    179(e) Each exposure switch shall be located in such a way as to meet the following criteria:

    1961. The operator shall stand as far as practicable and at least 6 feet (1.8 m) from the animal and tube head and outside the useful beam or behind a protective barrier during exposures.

    2302. In lieu of distance or a protective barrier the operator shall wear a protective apron and monitoring device as provided in (3)(c), below.

    254(3) Operating Procedures.

    257(a) The operator shall stand in a protected position as indicated in (2)(e), above, during radiographic exposures with no other individuals in the x-ray room unless assistance of the nature described in (3)(c), below, is required.

    293(b) To the greatest practicable extent, animals must be immobilized by anesthetic, straps, sandbags, foam wedges, and other supporting or restraining devices.

    315(c) If an animal must be held by an individual, that individual shall be protected by appropriate shielding devices such as a protective apron and gloves, and the holder shall be so positioned that no part of his body will be struck by the useful beam. The exposure of that individual shall be monitored when engaged in such purposes.

    374Rulemaking Authority 376404.051, 377404.141, 378404.22 FS. 380Law Implemented 382404.022, 383404.051(1), 384(4), (6), 386404.141, 387404.22(1),388(3) FS. History–New 7-17-85, Amended 4-4-89, Formerly 10D-91.610.