64W-6.003. Documentation Requirements  

Effective on Thursday, February 15, 2024
  • 1(1) 2FRAME3dental 4applicants must complete and submit the following forms in the FRAMEworks portal:

    16(a) The Florida Reimbursement Assistance for Medical Education - Dental (FRAME27dental28) Application. The FRAME32dental 33Application, DH8017-PHSPM-07/2023, is incorporated by reference and available at 42https://www.flrules.org/Gateway/reference.asp?No=Ref-1637344.

    45(b) The Florida Reimbursement Assistance for Medical Education - Dental (FRAME56dental57) Employment Verification Form (PDF only). One form is required for each employer. Signatures must be in ink. The FRAME77dental 78Employment Verification Form, DH8018-PHSPM-07/2023, is incorporated by reference and available at 89https://www.flrules.org/Gateway/reference.asp?No=Ref-1637491.

    92(c) The Florida Reimbursement Assistance for Medical Education – Dental (FRAME103dental104) Loan Certification Form for each educational loan (PDF only). Signatures must be in ink or utilize a legally binding eSignature. The FRAME127dental 128Loan Certification Form, DH8019-PHSPM-07/2023, is incorporated by reference and available at 139h140ttps://www.flrules.org/Gateway/reference.asp?No=Ref-16375142.

    143(2) The following document(s) must be uploaded to the FRAMEworks portal, as applicable:

    156(a) For all practice locations that are in an FQHC, upload documentation of dental shortage designation status. A PDF copy of the HRSA “Find Shortage Areas State/County” query result for each practice site location (https://data.hrsa.gov/tools/shortage-area/hpsa-find) is considered acceptable documentation.

    195(b) For all practice locations that are not in an FQHC, but are designated by HRSA as having a shortage of dental health professionals based on geographic location, special population, or facility, upload a PDF copy of the query result for each practice site location from HRSA “Find Shortage Areas by Address” query result for each practice site location (https://data.hrsa.gov/tools/shortage-area/by-address).

    255(3) If requested by the Department, an applicant must provide documentation of status as a United States citizen (U.S. born or naturalized) or United States national, as defined by 2848 U.S.C. 1401 287- 1440, shall be provided by the applicant within 5 business days.

    299(4) The FRAME302dental 303Employment Verification Form and the FRAME309dental 310Loan Certification Form will be made available on the Department’s website at https://www.fdohframe.com/s/forms.

    323(5) This rule will be reviewed and repealed, modified, or renewed through the rulemaking process 5 years from the effective date.

    344Rulemaking Authority 346381.4019 FS. 348Law Implemented 350381.4019 FS. 352History – New 2-15-24.