65C-28.010. Minor Parents in the Custody of the Department  

Effective on Sunday, May 8, 2016
  • 1(1) When a minor child in the custody of the Department becomes a parent or enters licensed out-of-home care with his or her own child, the parent and child shall reside together in the same placement unless the younger child’s safety cannot be managed with an in-home safety plan. A petition for adjudication of dependency shall not be filed for the younger child unless there are grounds for dependency of that child independent of the minor parent’s dependency.

    79(2) In the event that the minor parent’s child is not dependent, the cost of care of the child of a minor parent shall be included in the maintenance payment for the minor parent. There shall be one (1) payment that is enhanced to include the child’s needs. If the minor parent is Title IV-E 134of the Social Security Act 139eligible, the total payment is Title IV-E reimbursable.

    147Rulemaking Authority 14939.012, 15039.0121(13) FS. 152Law Implemented 15439.402(7) FS. 156History–New 5-4-06, Amended 5-8-16.


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