65G-2.004. License Violations  

Effective on Tuesday, July 1, 2014
  • 1(1) NOTICE OF NONCOMPLIANCE. 5The Agency shall issue a notice of noncompliance as provided under Section 17120.695, F.S., 19in response to the first occurrence of a Class II or III violation that is not corrected prior to the completion of the survey which revealed the aforementioned violation. Within 15 days following receipt of a Notice of Noncompliance, the licensee must submit a written corrective action plan, to the regional office. Failure to submit a corrective action plan within the required timeframe or repeat occurrences of Class II or III violations shall result in the imposition of disciplinary action as described in paragraph 10365G-2.0041(4)(b) 104or (c), F.A.C. For the purposes of this subsection, a first occurrence of a Class II or III violation refers to those violations which have not been previously observed and cited by Agency staff within the past 12 months.

    143(2) CORRECTIVE ACTION PLANS. The licensee must develop and submit to the Agency a corrective action plan within 15 days following the receipt of a Notice of Noncompliance. 171The corrective action plan shall specify the actions the facility will take to correct each of the violations identified and to comply with the applicable licensing requirements, the name of the staff person(s) responsible for completing each action, and a timeframe for accomplishing each action. All action taken to correct a violation shall be documented in writing by the licensee. Failure to comply with the corrective action plan shall result in the imposition of disciplinary action as described in paragraph 25165G-2.0041(4)(b) 252or (c), F.A.C. The Agency shall reject any corrective action plan that fails to identify all of the information described above. If the Agency rejects a corrective action plan, the Agency shall notify the licensee in writing of the reasons for rejection and shall state that the licensee has 10 days from receipt of the notification to submit an amended corrective action plan.

    315(3) MORATORIUMS. 317A moratorium on the admission of new clients into a facility may be imposed pursuant to the criteria stated in Section 338393.0673(6), F.S.


    345The expiration or relinquishment of a license that is pending administrative sanctions does not render the administrative sanctions moot. The Agency may continue to seek administrative sanctions against a licensee for violations that occurred during a licensee’s management or oversight of a facility even if the licensee ceases to own or lease the facility, operate 400the facility, or provide services in the facility after the violations have occurred.

    413Rulemaking Authority 415393.501(1), 416393.067, 417393.0673 FS. 419Law Implemented 421393.067, 422393.0673 FS. 424History‒New 7-1-14.


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