68B-12.001. King Mackerel Gulf-Atlantic Fishery; Resource Renewal Policy; Designation as Restricted Species  

Effective on Monday, October 1, 1990
  • 1(1) The purpose of this chapter is to renew and assure the continuing health and abundance of the king mackerel fishery in Florida waters of the Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic Ocean herein designated as the Florida Gulf-Atlantic Fishery. This measure is founded upon evidence publicly received and reviewed at length by the Commission, deemed to be the best available information, that the king mackerel Gulf-Atlantic Fishery is dangerously depleted through excessive harvesting by commercial and recreational harvesters alike, and is at risk of further depletion, to the detriment of commercial and recreational harvesters as well as to the resource.

    101(2) This chapter is intended to complement the provisions of Rule Chapter 68B-30, F.A.C., which regulate the Atlantic king mackerel fishery.

    122(3) Measures to reduce fishing pressure on the Gulf-Atlantic group of king mackerel include recreational bag and possession limits, regional season harvest limits and daily vessel harvest and landing limits for commercial harvesters, and season closure for commercial harvesters to coincide with commercial harvest closure in adjacent federal (EEZ) waters.

    172(4) King mackerel is hereby designated a restricted species pursuant to Section 371859186.187118801(18932190), Florida Statutes.

    193Specific Authority Art. IV, Sec. 9, Fla Const. Law Implemented Art. IV, Sec. 9, Fla Const. History–New 12-20-84, Formerly 46-12.01, Amended 11-13-86, 11-1-88, 10-1-90, Formerly 46-12.001.