68B-43.003. Size Limit; Landed in Whole Condition Requirement  

Effective on Monday, October 26, 2020
  • 1(1) Size Limit –

    5(a) Altantic Region ‒ A person may not harvest or land from the Atlantic Region, or possess in or on the Atlantic Region, a bluefish that is less than 12 inches in fork length.

    39(b) Gulf Region – A person may not harvest or possess within or without waters of the Gulf Region or land a bluefish that is less than 12 inches in fork length.

    71(2) 72Landed in Whole Condition Requirement – A person harvesting 81bluefish 82from the Atlantic or Gulf region shall land each 91bluefish 92in whole condition. A person may not possess in or on the Atlantic or Gulf region a 109bluefish 110that has been beheaded, sliced, divided, filleted, ground, skinned, scaled, or deboned. This provision will not be construed to prohibit evisceration (gutting) of a 134bluefish, 135or removal of gills from a 141bluefish142.

    143Rulemaking Authority Art. IV, Sec. 9, Fla. Const. Law Implemented Art. IV, Sec. 9, Fla. Const. History–New 6-17-93, Amended 8-31-98, Formerly 46-43.003, Amended 9-1-13, 10-26-20.


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