69A-37.086. Application for Eligibility Determination  

Effective on Tuesday, September 25, 2012
  • 1(1) To participate in the Firefighters Supplemental Compensation Program, a firefighter shall submit the:

    15(a) Form DFS-K4-1057, “Application for Initial Entry,” which is incorporated by reference in Rule 3069A-37.090, 31F.A.C., to the division for a determination of eligibility if the firefighter has not been previously determined eligible by the division to participate in the program. 57http://www.flrules.org/Gateway/reference.asp?No=Ref-0163959.

    60(b) Form DFS-K4-1442, “Firefighters Supplemental Compensation Program Request for Upgrade from Associate Level to Bachelor Level,” which is incorporated by reference in Rule 8469A-37.090, 85F.A.C., to the division for a determination of eligibility if the firefighter was previously determined eligible by the division to participate in the program at the associate degree level. 114http://www.flrules.org/Gateway/reference.asp?No=Ref-01639116.

    117(c) Form DFS-K4-1056, “Firefighters Supplemmental Compensation Program Application for Re-Entry,” which is incorporated by reference in Rule 13569A-37.090, 136F.A.C., to the division for a determination of eligibility if the firefighter became ineligible for supplemental compensation under subsection 15569A-37.085(3), 156F.A.C., but is no longer subject to any condition specified in that subsection. 169http://www.flrules.org/Gateway/reference.asp?No=Ref-01639171.

    172(2) Each application must be completed in full, signed by the applicant and fire chief for the employing agency or his or her authorized agent, and include each attachment required by the form.

    205(3) The division shall advise the applicant and employing agency of its determination of eligibility in writing.

    222Rulemaking Authority 224633.128(2)(a), 225633.422(2) FS. 227Law Implemented 229633.422(2) FS. 231History–New 2321-3-90, 233Amended 3-20-95, Formerly 2364A237-37.086, Amended 3-14-11, 9-25-12.


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