69C-2.021. Assessment Calculation  

Effective on Sunday, July 12, 1992
  • 1When the Chief Financial Officer has determined that a default or insolvency has occurred, any loss to public depositors shall be governed by section 25280.08, F.S. 27Any assessment levied against other Qualified Public Depositories will be based on public deposits held before deducting deposit insurance. The assessment ratio calculation established by section 53280.08(3), F.S., 55shall be computed to six decimal places.

    62Rulemaking Authority 64280.04(9), 65280.19 FS. 67Law Implemented 69280.08(3) FS. 71History–New 6-28-88, Amended 1-23-91, 7-12-92, Formerly 4C-2.021.