69I-42.003. Forms  

Effective on Wednesday, December 27, 2006
  • 1(1) The Voucher for Reimbursement of Travel Expenses, Form DFS-AA-15, (revised 07/06), is hereby incorporated by reference. Unless an alternative form is approved pursuant to this Section, Form DFS-AA-15 (07/06) shall be used by travelers when requesting claims for reimbursement of travel expenses and shall be prepared in strict compliance with section 53112.061, F.S. 55All copies or electronic transmissions of travel vouchers (Form DFS-AA-15 or other approved form) submitted to the Chief Financial Officer for reimbursement of travel expenses shall contain the signatures of the traveler and the official authorizing the travel. Travel vouchers on file at the agency shall contain the original signatures in written or electronic form. Other evidence of approval of the travel voucher by the supervisor will be accepted if a copy or electronic transmission of the travel voucher is not available and would result in an unreasonable delay in reimbursing the traveler. State agencies are authorized to omit an authorized traveler’s social security number on Form DFS-AA-15 or other approved form if procedures, including security measures, are in place to correctly identify the authorized traveler. The authorized traveler’s federal tax identification number will be required for entering the transaction into the State’s accounting system.

    200(2) The Authorization to Incur Travel Expense, Form DFS-AA-13 (11/89), is hereby incorporated by reference as if fully set forth herein and shall be used by all state officers, employees, and authorized persons when requesting approval for the performance of travel to a convention or conference. The form shall be signed by such person and his supervisor, stating that the travel is to be incurred in connection with official business of the State, and the agency head or his designated representative shall not authorize or approve such request in the absence of the appropriate signatures.

    295(3) The Application for Advance on Travel Expenses, Form DFS-AA-25 (revised 07/98), is hereby incorporated by reference as if fully set forth herein and shall be used by all state officers and employees when requesting an advance for travel expenses to be incurred.

    338(4) The Department has prescribed certain forms and alternative methods of travel voucher information submission to be used in the processing of travel expenses. Agencies desiring to use an alternative form or method to meet agency unique needs shall first obtain the approval of the Department, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. Such requests shall be submitted in writing to:

    399Bureau of Auditing

    402Department of Financial Services

    406200 East Gaines Street

    410Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0355

    413Once approved, such alternative forms or methods may be used in lieu of the uniform form. Upon request, the uniform forms will be provided to agencies for duplicating purposes. Requests clearly indicating the form needed should be directed to:

    452Mail and Supply Center

    456Department of Financial Services

    460200 East Gaines Street

    464Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0317

    467Rulemaking Authority 46917.075(1), 47017.29, 471112.061(9), 472(11) FS. Law Implemented 47617.075, 477112.061 FS. 479History–New 3-5-90, Amended 1-8-95, 12-29-96, 1-7-98, 11-15-98, Formerly 3A-42.003, Amended 12-27-06.


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