69O-170.013. Filing Procedures for Property and Casualty Insurance Rates, Rules, Underwriting Guidelines, and Forms  

Effective on Wednesday, September 5, 2007
  • 1(1)2(a) 3The procedures in this rule apply to all insurance rate, rule or form filings for property and casualty insurance as defined in Sections 26624.604, 27624.605, 28634.011(8), 29634.301(4), 30634.401(14), 31642.01532(33334), 35648.25(1), 36635.011(1), 37and 38627.826(1), F.S.

    40(b) Underwriting guidelines for private passenger automobile, homeowners’ and mobile homeowners’ insurance, for both new and renewal business, shall be filed pursuant to this rule.

    65(2) A “rate filing” contains all the information submitted in the filing made by the insurer, plus any supplemental information received during the course of the Office’s review, for all purposes of the filing made under Section 102627.062(2)(a) 103or 104627.0651, F.S.

    106(3) Filing Submittal Requirements.

    110(a) Complete rate, rule, underwriting guidelines 116for both new and renewal business, 122and form filings shall be submitted with the following information:

    1321. Form OIR-B1-582, “Universal Standardized Data Letter,” as adopted in Rule 69O-170.015, F.A.C.

    1462. Cove148r letter 150that shall include, at a minimum:

    156a. The purpose of the filing;

    162b. For rate and rule filings, an identification as to whether the filing is made under “file and use” or “use and file”, including the proposed effective date of the rates or the date the rates were implemented;

    200c. If this is a resubmission of a previous file, a brief explanation of the prior filing, including reference to the corresponding 222Florida 223filing log number shall be provided;

    229d. For a rate filing for which a form is also being filed, identification of the corresponding filing log number for the form or when the form will be submitted;

    2593. Explanatory memo262randum which shall:

    265a. Explain the organization of the components of the filing;

    275b. Identify and highlight the changes from the current situation;

    285c. Include any explanation required by Rule 29269O-170.006, 293F.A.C.;

    294d. If there is no rate effect, a detailed explanation of how it was so determined or why it is believed that there is no rate effect.

    3214. For filings with a rate effect, an actuarial opinion and supporting memorandum prepared pursuant to Rule 33869O-170.0135, 339F.A.C. 

    3405. Filing procedures and content required for specific lines of business as delineated in the following rules:

    357a. Rule 35969O-170.014, 360F.A.C., (Homeowners and Mobile Homes);

    365b. Rule 36769O-175.003, 368F.A.C., (Private Passenger Auto);

    372c. Rule 37469O-170.0141, 375F.A.C., (Dwelling);

    377d. Rule 37969O-170.0142, 380F.A.C., (Commercial Residential/All Other Property & Casualty);

    387e. Rule 38969O-170.0143, 390F.A.C. (Professional Liability for Medical Malpractice); and

    3976. Manual pages formatted in compliance with Rule 40569O-170.006(2) 406F.A.C.   407Subsequent to the initial filing, the insurer may defer submitting final amended manual pages until the Office concludes its analysis.  Final approval will not occur until final manual pages have been submitted439.

    440(b) All filings shall:

    4441. Be separated into either rate/rule only or form only filings; and

    4562457. Be separated by line of business in accordance with Rule 46869O-170.006, 469F.A.C.

    470(c) Group Filings. Insurers may submit a filing on behalf of any combination of insurers within the insurers’ group, provided the 491effective dates are identical for every insurer and the program is identified in the filing.

    506(5074508)(a) All filings shall be submitted electronically to 516https://iportal.fldfs.com, 517the industry portal to the Office’s 523I524-File System, as adopted in Rule 53069O-170.0155, 531F.A.C.

    532(b) A filing shall be considered received by the Office on business days between the hours of 5498:00 a.m. 551and 5525:00 p.m. 554eastern time. Filings received after 5595:00 p.m. 561shall be considered to be received the next business day.

    571(5)(a) A rate filing shall contain documentation demonstrating that the proposed rates meet the standards and conditions of Section 590627.062 591or 592627.0651, F.S., 594as applicable.

    596(b) It is the responsibility of the insurer to ensure that the filing contains all the information and documentation the insurer wants considered that supports the rate requested.

    624(c) A rate filing shall contain information and documentation sufficient for an actuary practicing in the same field to evaluate the work.

    646(d) Any submission that does not contain the information and documentation required by subsection (3) above, or for which required filing forms have not been completed in their entirety, will result in the Office’s issuance of a Notice of Intent to disapprove.

    688(6)(a) 689The Office may request additional information or clarification to evaluate the filing for compliance with applicable statutory provisions.

    707(b) To allow the Office sufficient time to perform a proper review, the insurer shall submit by a date certain stated in a clarification letter any required additional information, explanation of data, or justification of assumptions.

    743(c) Unless the date is extended by the Office, failure to adequately address the issues by the date stated in the clarification letter will result in a notice of intent to disapprove the filing by the Office.

    780(7) This rule applies to that portion of a rate filing relating to terrorism coverage required under the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act of 2002. The Office recognizes the difficulty facing an individual insurer in demonstrating that its rates related to terrorism are not excessive, inadequate, or unfairly discriminatory. An insurer is free to use any methodology the insurer believes demonstrates that the rates requested or implemented are in compliance with Section 851627.062, F.S. 853If an insurer is unable to demonstrate through its own methodology that the rate requested or implemented complies with Section 873627.062, F.S., 875then the insurer may, at its option, adopt the methodology, data, and/or rates or loss costs of another insurer or rating or advisory organization that have been previously approved by the Office for similar risks.

    910Specific Authority 912624.308, 913624.424(1)914(c) FS. Law Implemented 918624.307, 919624.424(1)(c), 920624.604, 921624.605, 922627.062, 923627.0645, 924627.0651 FS. 926History–New 3-30-92, Amended 3-9-93, 8-23-93, 10-3-94, 8-3-95, 10-2-96, 6-19-03, Form936erly 4-170.013, Amended 9-14-06, 9409-5-07.

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