69O-171.011. Property Claims Litigation Data Call  

Effective on Thursday, September 29, 2022
  • 1(1) 2Each authorized insurer or insurer group issuing personal lines or commercial lines residential property insurance policies shall report, for each such line of insurance, 26the information required by Section 31624.424(11), F.S., 33or required by rule, on and pursuant to the instructions in Form OIR-B1-2222, “Florida Property Claims Litigation Data Call Reporting Form,” effective 08/22, hereby incorporated by reference and available at 64http://www.flrules.org/Gateway/reference.asp?No=Ref-1475366. The form may be obtained from https://www.floir.com/iportal.

    74(2) For purposes of this rule, “personal lines or commercial lines residential property insurance” includes the following lines of business:

    94(a) Allied Lines;

    97(b) Commercial Multiple Peril;

    101(c) Farmowners Multiple Peril;

    105(d) Homeowners Multiple Peril;

    109(e) Industrial Extended Coverage;

    113(f) Industrial Fire;

    116(g) Mobile Homeowners Multiple Peril;

    121(h) Mobile Homeowners Physical Damage Only; and

    128(i) Property (Fire).

    131(3) The first report will be due on March 1, 2023, for claims closed in Calendar Year 2022. Reports for the preceding calendar year are due on or before March 1 of each year and shall be filed electronically at https://www.floir.com/iportal.

    172Rulemaking Authority 174624.308(1), 175624.424(1)(c), 176(11) FS. Law Implemented 180624.307(1), 181624.424 FS. 183History–New 9-29-22.