69U-162.004. Application to Register as a Family Trust Company  

Effective on Thursday, February 16, 2023
  • 1(1) A family trust company seeking to register under Section 11662.122(1), F.S., 13must file a completed registration application on Form OFR-162-02, “Application to Register as a Family Trust Company,” revised 02/2023, herein incorporated by reference and available at 40https://www.flrules.org/Gateway/reference.asp?No=Ref-15198, 42or at the OFR’s website, http://www.flofr.gov, accompanied by a nonrefundable $5,000 application fee for deposit into the Financial Institutions’ Regulatory Trust Fund.

    65(2) The application must contain all information required by the form and the following exhibits:

    80(a) Exhibit A Family Members;

    85(b) Exhibit B              88Current or Former Employees to Whom Services Will Be Provided;

    98(c) Exhibit C              101Genealogical Chart;

    103(d) Exhibit D Articles of Incorporation (or Articles of Organization, Certificate of Incorporation, Certificate of Formation, or Certificate of Organization pursuant to Section 126662.123, F.S.128);

    129(e) Exhibit E Bylaws or Operating Agreement;

    136(f) Exhibit F Capital Account;

    141(g) Exhibit G Statement Regarding Maintenance of Corporate and Fiduciary Records; and,

    153(h) Exhibit H List of All Stockholders or Members.

    162(3) The statement provided in application Exhibit G, Statement Regarding Maintenance of Corporate and Fiduciary Records, must describe in detail how the proposed family trust company will maintain accurate corporate and fiduciary services records. The statement must identify by name any automated accounting system software or third-party accounting service provider to be used for corporate and fiduciary accounting. Any fiduciary accounting system should provide fiduciary accounting separate from corporate accounts as provided in Section 236662.127, F.S., 238and in accordance with Sections 243736.0810 244and 245736.08135, F.S. 247(2014), herein incorporated by reference and available at 255https://www.flrules.org/Gateway/reference.asp?No=Ref-06067, 257and 258https://www.flrules.org/Gateway/reference.asp?No=Ref-06066, 260and Rule 5.346, Fiduciary Accounting, of the Florida Probate Rules, effective 1/1/2011, herein incorporated by reference and available at 279https://www.flrules.org/Gateway/reference.asp?No=Ref-06065281. If accounting and bookkeeping functions are to be performed off the premises of the proposed family trust company’s principal place of business, name the servicing agent, and describe any affiliation by way of ownership, directorship, or common employment of personnel which the proposed family trust company may have with the servicing agent.

    334(4) The application must be signed under penalty of perjury by the applicant’s authorized representative.

    349Rulemaking Authority 351662.140 FS. 353Law Implemented 355662.111(2), 356(8), (9), (10), (11), (12), 361662.112, 362662.120(1), 363662.122(1), 364(3), (4), (5), 367662.1225(1), 368662.123(1), 369(2), 370662.124, 371662.125(1), 372(2), 373662.132 FS. 375History–New 11-19-15, Amended 12-26-16, 2-16-23.