69V-85.006. Electronic Filing of Forms and Fees  

Effective on Wednesday, March 16, 2011
  • 1(1) For purposes of this rule, “REAL System” means the Office of Financial Regulation’s Regulatory Enforcement and Licensing System, which is accessible through the Office of Financial Regulation’s website at www.flofr.com.

    32(2) All forms adopted under rules 3869V-85.002 39and 4069V-85.003, 41F.A.C., must be filed with the Office of Financial Regulation through the REAL system.

    55(3) All fees required to be filed with the Office of Financial Regulation under rule 7069V-85.003, 71F.A.C., must be filed through the REAL System.

    79(4) Any person may request an exemption from the electronic filing requirements of this rule by submitting 96Form OFR-520-04, Request for Exemption from Electronic Filing Requirements, effective 3/16/2011, 107http://www.flrules.org/gateway/reference.asp?No=Ref-00144, 109to: Office of Financial Regulation, Division of Finance, Bureau of Regulatory Review, 200 E. Gaines Street, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0351. The Office of Financial Regulation will provide any person granted an exemption under this subsection with instructions on how to file forms and fees in paper format. Form OFR-520-04 is hereby incorporated by reference and available on the Office’s website at www.flofr.com and by mail from the Office of Financial Regulation, 200 East Gaines Street, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0376.

    186Rulemaking Authority 188520.994(5) FS. 190Law Implemented 192520.03, 193520.32, 194520.52, 195520.63, 196520.999 FS. 198History–New 9-20-09, Amended 3-16-11.


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