73B-20.008. Representatives  

Effective on Tuesday, December 6, 2016
  • 1(1) Any person compelled to appear, or who appears voluntarily, at any proceeding before an appeals referee may, at his or her own expense, be accompanied, represented or advised by an attorney or authorized representative.

    36(2) Any attorney or authorized representative who represents a claimant in any proceeding governed by these rules shall disclose orally on the record, or by post hearing motion, the amount, if any, the claimant has agreed to pay for his or her services. The attorney or representative shall also disclose the hourly rate charged or other method used to compute the proposed fee and the nature and extent of the services rendered.

    108(3) The appeals referee shall approve, reduce or deny the proposed fee by written order which may be included in the decision upon the merits of the appeal.

    136Rulemaking Authority 138443.012(11) FS. 140Law Implemented 142443.041(2), 143443.151(4)(d), 144(7) FS. History–New 5-22-80, Formerly 38E-5.08, 38E-5.008, 15160BB-5.008, 152Amended 12-6-16.


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