73B-7.001. Definitions  

Effective on Wednesday, November 30, 2022
  • 1For the purpose of this rule, the following definitions apply:

    11(1) “CFR” means the Code of Federal Regulations.

    19(2) “Chief Local Elected Official” means chief elected official as defined in WIOA section 3(9).

    34(3) “Department” means the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity.

    43(4) “Local Area” means a designated local workforce development area as defined in WIOA section 3(32).

    59(5) “Local Board” means a local workforce development board as defined in WIOA section 3(33).

    74(6) “Local Workforce Plan” means a local plan as defined in WIOA section 3(35).

    88(7) “State Board” means the state workforce development board as defined Section 100445.002(4), F.S.

    102(8) “State Plan” used without further description, means the unified state plan as defined in WIOA section 3(58).

    120(9) “Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA)” means the federal legislation that contains the framework for the national employment and training strategy, Public Law 113-128, codified at Title 29 United States Code, §§3101 153e154t seq.

    156Rulemaking Authority 158445.003(7) FS. 160Law Implemented 162445.003(7)(a) FS. 164History‒New 11-30-22.