9B-24.006. Policy Advisory Council (Transferred)  

Effective on Wednesday, November 20, 1985
  • 1(1) Prior to the expenditure of any WAP funds, a State Policy Advisory Council was established as set forth in 2110 CFR Part 440, 25which:

    26(a) Has special qualifications and sensitivity with respect to solving the problems of low-income persons, including the weatherization and energy conservation problems of these persons;

    51(b) Is broadly representative of organizations and agencies, including consumer groups that represent low-income persons, particularly the elderly, handicapped, and Native Americans, in the state or geographical area in question; and

    82(c) Has responsibility for advising the appropriate official or agency administering the allocation of financial assistance in the state or area with respect to the development and implementation of a Weatherization Assistance Program, with the specific function of reviewing the DOE State Plan for funding.

    127(2) The Secretary of the Department of Community Affairs shall appoint the members of the council.

    143(a) Term. Members shall serve for a term of 1 state fiscal year and may be reappointed each year without limit to the number of terms served.

    170(b) Replacement. A council member may be replaced due to resignation, continued absences or conduct impairing the performance of the council, or when the member no longer acts in the capacity for which he was originally appointed. The remainder of the term shall be filled by appointment by the Secretary of DCA.

    222(c) Meetings. The council shall meet a minimum of four times during the state fiscal year, usually on a quarterly basis. Notice of each regular meeting shall be sent to the members 30 days prior to the date of the meeting and noticed in the Florida Administrative Weekly.

    270(d) Emergency Meetings. Emergency meetings may be called by the Secretary of DCA, by giving 5 days notice.

    288(e) Compensation. Members shall receive no compensation for services, but may be reimbursed for travel in accordance with Section 307112.061, F.S., 309subject to availability of funds, for travel to meetings, hearings, or other legal purposes as authorized by the council and approved by the Secretary of DCA.

    335Specific Authority 337120.53(1), 338163.03(3) FS. Law Implemented 163.03 FS. History–New 11-20-85, Formerly 9B-24.06.